He'll Be Done For

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As soon as the meeting with the editor team had concluded, Rey had made a quick trip over to take Chewie out. It was only the second day, but she was already learning that this would probably be the part of her day that she looked forward to the most because she got to spend time with Chewie but she also got a much-needed break from Ben and his unreadable moods. After the elevator incident, Ben didn't look at her once during the meeting but kept chewing on his pen cap and tapping his foot all the while she just tried to completely forget what had happened in an attempt to keep herself calm.

It's 3:45 and Rey sits in one of the two armchairs in Ben's office while Hux and he discuss a matter concerning one of their authors and a "publicity nightmare." She writes quickly on the tablet, her small dainty hands wrapped ever so tightly around the stylus occasionally glancing up at Hux as he speaks and Ben finds himself to be distracted by her and unable to focus on Hux. She purses her lips momentarily as she erases a mistake, and Ben drums his fingers on the arm of his chair as he watches her lips move, completely losing focus on whatever Hux is saying.

"That sounds good Hux," Ben says and sits forward in his chair. "Go ahead and get going with that, and let me know how it goes."

"Thanks for the help," Hux says in his typical short tone and stands up. "Have a good evening."

Ben watches him walk out as Rey finalizes her notes and then emails them to him. He takes mental note of how he'll have to review what she wrote later because he doesn't remember half of what Hux said in the last hour or what he just agreed to blindly.

"You should have them in your email now Sir," Rey says as she closes the cover over her tablet and looks up at him.

"Thank you, Rey."

"I received a couple of emails in response to my questions from the travel agent during the meeting, so unless you have anything else for me right now, I will go work on that."

"Excellent," Ben agrees and stands up with her, "Rey," he says and she looks back at him. "As Billie mentioned at lunch, there is a party in my honor this weekend celebrating my new role as CEO. I hate these types of events, especially when I'm the guest of honor, but I trust that you'll be able to make it to that?"

"As you said before, I'm your assistant so I'll be there. What is the dress code?"

"Cocktail." He pauses and looks at her as she scribbles a note down. "And Rey? I hope you know, you'll be there as my guest, not my assistant."

Rey looks back at him flabbergasted, not moving and barely blinking. "Oh," she says quietly. "Okay," she smiles and nods at him. "I will make sure to keep that in mind."

"Good," he responds and ruffles his hair a touch. "You can go now."

Rey spins on her heels and saunters out of the room, her ass still looking fine, and her ponytail swinging back and forth on the back of her head. He shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose trying to make sense of his thoughts. She smelled so sweet and intoxicating in the car, then after those two glasses of wine, she was irresistible and he couldn't control himself anymore. His moment of weakness in the elevator was wrong, but at the same time, it was electrifying. Rey is a goddess to him, and he had never been controlled mentally so bad by someone who had no idea of their effect on him.

"Finn," Rey hisses and grabs his hand to follow her to the break room when he returns from Phasma's office. She closes the door quickly behind them and he takes a seat on one of the stools around the table watching her pace.

"You so aren't good," Finn laughs as he studies her face and sits back in his chair.

"This day has been a shit show." Rey blurts out and throws her hands up in the air.

Moment of WeaknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora