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The stone Cathedral is large, dark, and foreboding activating the strong sense of fight or flight in Rey as they approach it. Kuruk holds the gate open for them and Vicrul closes it behind them as they start their approach to the intimidating building through the private garden filled with bubbling fountains, manicured hedges, and sculptures surrounded by roses.

The sound of organ music pours from the small door on the back of the church which they use to make their entrance more discrete. The corridors of the church are empty, filled only occasionally by old wooden benches and small sculptures in the alcoves of the wall. The sound of her heels and the rustle of fabric from her A-line dress under her dress coat the only sound audible to accompany the sound of the organ and hushed crowd.

Rey follows Ben quietly into the back of the cathedral and sits promptly in a pew, her face partially obscured by the black hat on her head. Ben reaches over after she adjusts her skirt below her and tucks her leg behind the other and holds her hand on his lap, her large ring glinting in the sun streaming through the ornate stain glass windows along the sides of the large room.

A small woman with bright red hair sits in the front row with a tall skinny woman with blonde hair directly next to her, both of their heads dwarfed under large black hat as well. Rey can barely see them over the other patrons of the funeral, but she can tell by the body language that this is probably Hux's mother and most likely his sister according to the thin pointed face that much resembles his.

The Priest takes the podium and begins his speech, addressing the crowd, thanking them for coming, and reminiscing on his encounters with Hux throughout his life as this seems to be Hux's family church.

Ben's hand squeezes tighter around hers as Hux's sister, the tall skinny blonde takes the podium and gives her own thoughts and remarks on her relationship with her brother. It seems as if they weren't close, but still hearing personal accounts of Hux as a child and her sentiment as she speaks of him is enough to form a lump in Rey's throat and she gulps it down, looking at Ben who's face is clenched tightly to stave off his emotions of feeling responsible.

Rey scans her eyes across the crowd, catching sight of Billie, wearing a black dress and deep charcoal hat cocked to the side sitting next to Christie who wears an immaculate black coat and ornate headband in her platinum blonde hair. Both of them seems in distress, as they had been fairly close to Hux over the years, and his sudden death had been hard for them to handle.

At the conclusion of the service, Rey and Ben sneak back out the side hallway only to be met by Billie in the hallway waiting for them. "Rey, Ben," Billie says with a soft smile, taking them both individually in a brief hug.

"Good to see you, Billie," Rey says politely.

"And you," she smiles, reaching down to take Rey's left hand in her own. "I've been listening to this one boast endlessly you about you, but haven't had a chance to see you since the big news to tell you congratulations."

"Thank you," Rey says, looking at Billie and how stunning she is with her perfectly bronzed skin and immaculately cut and colored hair.

"Ma'am," a bulky man says from a door to the side, and both Ben and Rey glance at each other, apprehensive of his sudden presence.

"There's someone who would like to speak to you," Billie says, taking a step back and turning back to a more business air.

"Who is it?" Ben asks, taking Rey's hand and holding it tightly.

"It's a surprise," she smiles and turns to walk away. "Come with me."

Ben's hand once again squeezes hers tightly as they follow Billie through a door and down an even narrower hallway.

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