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A/N: Hi, I lied, I picked which ending I like!

*Time jump: Two years later*

"Mrs. Solo," the sweet voice of Rey's PA chirps as she walks into the office that had formally been the conference room. Following the death of Hux, they quickly repurposed that room into a workroom for the junior editors so Ben and Rey wouldn't have to go in there often and split the conference room up to make a new office for Rey once she was promoted to Editor.

Rey looks up from the card stock paper in her hand at the young girl with her hair pulled back from her face, reminding Rey so much of herself two years ago. "What's up?" Rey smiles at her.

"Mr. Solo would like to speak to you."

"You're telling me that my husband sent you over here to tell me that he wanted to speak to me?" Rey laughs.

"Uhhh, yes," the PA says sweetly, her cheeks flushing.

"He's something else isn't he?" Rey shakes her head, still chuckling to herself.

"I guess so," the girl hesitantly agrees.

"It's okay, you're allowed to say he's a little intense and scary," Rey assures her. "I was his PA for a year after all and now I live with him, I'm used to his moods."

"You're a great couple though."

"Thank you," Rey says graciously. "Did Mr.Solo say if he needed me to go there immediately?"

"He did not," she shakes her head slowly.

"That's okay, I'll appease the grumpy old man and go over there. Thank you," Rey laughs and rolls her eyes.

As the PA leaves, Rey looks down at the paper in her hand, looking at the smiling faces of Vicrul and their friend Natalia with the words 'Save the Date' sprawled across the top in loopy cursive. Following the disbanding of the Galatics two years ago in January, those two had moved upstate just to move back a year and a half later and announced their engagement shortly after. 

She smiles down at the paper, running her fingers across the satin finish, thinking about the conversations she had with Vicrul about how the Galatics had ruined his ability to have a life, and how all of that was being proven wrong.

With a sigh, she stands, taking the Save the Date with her and closing her office door behind her. Chewie, who now came to work with her since the house was too far away to run home quickly over lunch, lifts his head from the dog bed to see where she's going, before losing interest and laying his head back down to continue his nap.

"Sending my PA to retrieve me?" Rey teases as she closes the door and walks around Ben's desk, leaning up against it as he finishes typing an email addressed to Lando which Rey tries to read before he closes it quickly. "Why are you emailing Lando?"

Ben sighs and sits back and centers himself in front of her, resting his hands on either side of her hips. "How are my girls?" He asks in a soft voice and Rey can tell something is seriously wrong by how his jaw is set but he's trying to pretend nothing is wrong.

"You don't know it's a girl," Rey whispers, attempting to play along with his avoidance of the real matter at hand.

"But I can hope," he argues with a small smirk. "I hope she's just like her Mommy."

Rey smiles down at him as he caresses the small bump that she has been able to conceal under her clothes in order to keep the pregnancy a secret.

"Vic and Nat's Save the date showed up today," she says fishing for something to say and handing him the paper.

"Never thought I'd see the day," Ben says, his face expressionless outside of his eyes that are crinkled up a touch as he looks at the heavy piece of paper.

"And now you're the Best Man," Rey adds.

"Crazy how things work," he sighs, dropping his eyes down to her stomach again and setting the card on the desk.

Rey reaches out slowly and grabs his glasses, pulling them off his face with care and brushing the one untameable chunk of hair off his forehead. "What's going on?"

Ben sighs again, releasing the air through his nose, and sits back, looking up at her. "This showed up today in the mail," he says as he reaches over and opens a drawer, pulling out a black envelope.

Rey takes it in her hands, running her finger across the red wax seal in the shape of a gear. Her heart thuds out of her chest and her hands shake violently as she opens it, sliding out the grey paper with the Galatics symbol on it. Ben stares at her, his head resting on his hand, his fingers caressing his lips, one finger on top, and the others below as if he's thinking.

'I hear congratulations are in order. Another natural heir to surely continue your legacy.

I plan to rekindle our partnership soon, now that I've undone the damage you did. I have big things in store for you and you haven't exactly been helpful in the last two years.

You will be hearing from me soon,

- A.S.'

Rey's eyes shoot back up to Ben's as she finishes reading and searches for words. "Who's A.S.?" She asks, her voice almost a whisper.

Ben studies her for a moment, calming himself as he had tried to do all morning so he would be able to tell her later. He gulps once and then opens his mouth tentatively. "My grandfather."

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