Chapter 17: 14 Weeks Pregnant

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Chapter 17: 14 Weeks Pregnant

"You're moving in with him?" Zoe and Cody said in sync. Both their eyes were wide and confused. Kristy and Blake weren't at school today so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to talk to Zoe and Cody about my soon to be living arrangements.

"I'm thinking about it." I told them. "It wouldn't be until after graduation, but I would really like to do this. I wanna raise this baby right." I rubbed small circles on my small tummy, I was finally starting to show a little. Today makes 14 weeks pregnant. My baby is the size of a lemon, at least that's what my baby app tells me. You can't really tell I'm pregnant yet, which is probably a good thing. I'm not excited to hear what people have to say once they find out.

"If you and Aubrey are moving in with this man I want to meet him." Cody said. "And why do you have to wait until graduation anyways?" Cody looked  at me confused.

Zoe and I exchanged looks. I wanted to tell him. I really did, but should I? Zoe nodded at me and Cody stared between the two of us.

"You've met him and I haven't?" He asked her. She nodded.

"You've met him too." She told him. Cody gave me a confused look, and Zoe gave me a serious one.

"It's Mr. Saunders." I whispered, staring at my hands. "Please don't tell anyone." There, ripped it off like a bandaid. That seems to be the only way I tell people anything.

"Wait..." he stared at me. "English teacher Mr. Saunders?" I nodded at him.

"When? How? What?" Cody scratched the back of his head in confusion. I giggled at how confused he was.

"We met before school started, and we slept together while we were drunk one night, and then we slept together again while I was with Ethan..." I trailed off, feeling horrible. I hated thinking about what I did to Ethan. I can't say that I wish it didn't happen, because I wouldn't have my baby if it didn't. I just wish I didn't hurt Ethan in the process. "And we decided that it would be best for the baby if we moved in together, but I can't move in with him until I am no longer his student."

"What about your house?" Zoe asked, ignoring Cody as he continued to ask a million questions.

"I'm selling it. I'll just keep the money I make from selling the house and that will last us until I can finish school, and if we break up, I'll just buy something small. I've thought a lot about this and I really think it's what I want to do." I looked back to Cody who was still asking questions. It was so easy to tune him out. He didn't even notice we were having an entire conversation without him. He just kept talking to himself, trying to wrap his head around the fact.

Aubrey was so excited when I talk to her about the plan. She wants to do it, and I honestly think it's a smart idea. I mean, I want to be with Dylan. I want to raise our baby together. I guess I should say "babies".

"If this is what you want, I'll support you." Zoe smiled at me and wrapped me into a hug.

"So wait, you banged a teacher?" Cody blurted out. I giggled and nodded. I knew Cody wouldn't tell anyone. That's one thing about Cody that I loved. You can trust him with anything. "That's awesome." He laughed.

And just like that I had made up my mind.


"Okay lets do it." I said to Dylan. "Let's move in together." Dylan and I were sitting on the couch watching Aubrey play with her dolls. After school he had come over and had dinner with us, something he's been doing a lot of lately.

Dylan smiled down at me and hugged me tightly. Dylan pulled away and started rubbing my stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you baby." He whispered, placing a small kiss on my stomach.

"What do you think it is?" I asked him, staring down at my flat belly.

"A boy." He said quickly. "I want a boy. I like boys."

I laughed. "Then why are you with me?" Dylan looked confused for a second before he chuckled.

"You know what I mean." He brushed a stray hair from my eyes and gave me a small kiss on the lips.

"Yuck!" Aubrey yelled. I laughed at her and got down on the floor to play dolls with her. There was a small knock on the door, and without thinking Dylan got up to answer it.

I quickly realized our situation and my eyes widened. "Dylan!" It was too late, he had already pulled the door open. Please be Zoe.

"Who are you?" An all too familiar voice asked from the door way. Ethan.

"Dylan." Dylan crossed his arms across his chest and stared back at Ethan. No, this can't be happening.

"Where is Jess?" Ethan asked, his tone no longer the friendly Ethan I grew up with. Ethan pushed past Dylan and walked into my living room. He stared at me. Ethan's eyes were blank, and void of emotion as he looked at me.

"Et-an!" Aubrey squealed, rubbing towards Ethan. She hugged both his legs and smiled widely up at him. Hurt flashed across Dylan's eyes as he saw this but it left as quick as it came, and was replaced with confusion.

"This is Dylan?" Ethan asked, staring straight at me. I nodded.

"Aubrey, baby, why don't you go upstairs and get your pajamas on. I left them on your bed." I said to her. She nodded and happily skipped upstairs.

I stood up and walked towards Ethan, who hadn't taken his eyes off me. "Ethan, please don't get angry." I said, "I didn't know you were coming over."

"This is Ethan?" Dylan stared between the two of us in confusion. I looked at him for only a second before looking back to Ethan.

"Are you together now?" Ethan asked me, his tone serious. I nodded at him. Ethan's face showed hurt, and then it was replaced with anger. Before I could even blink Ethan had turned around and punched Dylan. Dylan stepped back, and held his nose.

"What the hell?" He yelled.

"Ethan!" I screamed at him. "Why did you do that?" I rushed to Dylan's side to make sure he was okay, and to make sure he didn't try to retaliate, before turning back to Ethan. "You need to leave." I told him sternly.

He stared at me for a second, pure anger in his eyes, before he turned and left.

"Dylan, are you okay?" I asked panicked. Dylan nodded, wiping the small line of blood from under his nose.

"Kid punches like a girl." Dylan half smiled at me. "You can't blame him for being angry, Jess. I am the man you cheated on him with. I would have punched me too."

"I guess so, it still doesn't make it right though." I cupped his cheek in my palm. "You're a good man, Dylan."

Dylan smiled down at me and placed a small kiss on my forehead. Dylan excused himself to go clean up his nose and went upstairs. I sighed and sat down on the couch, running circles on my stomach.

I wish so much that I hadn't hurt Ethan the way I did. To make it worse, I know he is still hurting and I can't be the there for him without causing any more pain and drama. I just hoped that one day he'd forget all about what happened. I hoped I would too.

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