Chapter 9: Late Night Visits

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Chapter 9: Late Night Visits

It's been almost a month since the last time I spoke with Dylan, despite his attempts. Ethan and I still talk a lot. We don't see each other, but he still calls me sometimes. Cody isn't mad at me anymore, I don't think he really ever was. Just disappointed in me. I am too.

We don't talk about what happened between us. It's still too painful.

Everytime I think about what I did I get a pain in my chest. Not because I want Ethan back, but because of the way I hurt him. The way things ended. Ethan has been my friend for so long and I hurt him.

Zoe and Kristy were supposed to come over after school today and spend the weekend with Aubrey and I.

Mom disappeared again, but now she's leaving money for us to buy our own groceries while she is away. She has been staying with the same friend. My guess was that it's a male friend, her visits keep getting longer.

"Jess?" Zoe nudged me.

"Hm?" i mumbled, snapping my eyes up to her.

She laughed. "Kristy was asking if Blake and Cody could come hang out tonight with us, I told her I would ask you." she looked around before leaning towards me. "I think she likes Cody."

I smiled. "Really?" He has seemed happier lately. Maybe he likes her too. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I smirked at my best friend.

"Already one step ahead of you. Cody is bringing her tonight." I high-fived Zoe.

"Is Blake driving you to my house then?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her. She rolled her eyes at me but I could see her cheeks turning red. She has been in love with Blake since he started hanging out with us. She just won't admit it.


After Aubrey ate her dinner and I tucked her in I walked downstairs where my friends were. If there was ever a time to feel like a third wheel. It'd be now, times two. I'm happy they are happy though. 

Blake and Zoe were already passed out on the couch together, and I could tell Cody and Kristy were going to go up to our spare bedroom any minute now. Gross.

A knock at the door caught my attention. The two on the floor continued to eat each others faces and I rolled my eyes. I walked to the door and pulled it open.

I shut the door immediately.

Why is he here?

"Jess, please talk to me!" he pleaded. My heart physically hurt hearing his voice.

I realized Cody and Kristy could probably hear him too and I panicked, opening the door and stepping outside quickly.

"You have to go." I said softly. "All of my friends are here."

"I need to talk to you. Please, Jess." the sad tone in his voice broke me. I looked back at my door before grabbing his hand. I ignored the burning feeling I felt as i dragged him to the side of the house where my friends wouldn't be able to look out a window and see him.


"I'm not a dog." he chuckled quietly. I held back a smile and stared at him. "I don't know if you are still with that guy-"

"Ethan." I interrupted. "But no, I'm not." His eyes had a glimmer in them for a second, but it was gone as quick as it came.

"I am sorry I took advantage of you the way I did, Jessica. I shouldn't have done that to you."

I held my hand up. "You didn't take advantage of me.." I paused. "I wanted it."

He stared at me. "This is weird" he spoke. "What I feel for you, it's a new feeling for me, Jess. I don't want to not be with you, but we can't be together. We haven't even been on a date and I still..." he stopped and his eyes widened a bit, as if he realized he said too much. I wasn't going to push. Honestly I was afraid of what he could have said.

"You need to go Dylan." i whisper, a tear falling from my eye. "Please." Dylan wiped the tear away and kissed the spot where it had fallen. Dylan stared at me for another minute before he walked away.

When I returned in the house I was thankful to see that the lovebirds had made there way out of my living room. I walked up to my room and shut the door behind me. After a while, I was able to push Dylan out of my mind and fall asleep with only thoughts of my precious little sister.


Someone got me sick. I stared at the toilet bowl and sighed.

Aubrey was changing for school and I was running way behind. I hadn't even got dressed and it was almost time to leave.

I pulled myself off the toilet and started brushing my teeth. I can't miss any school, it's just not an option.

I threw on a blue long sleeved sweater and some black leggings. I brushed my hair out and left it in it's natural waves and I wasn't even going to bother with makeup today. I slipped on some brown boots and finally made my way downstairs where Aubrey was already waiting. Dressed in almost the same thing as me, but her sweater was pink.

I smiled at her and made her a bowl of cereal to eat before we left and when she finished we both walked out the door hand in hand.

After dropping off Aubrey and driving myself to school I met with Cody and Zoe in the courtyard. I smiled at the two as I made my way towards them.

"Where are the twins?" I asked.

"On some family vacation they take every Christmas." Cody answered.

"Did I ask that last year?" I knew about the vacation, I guess I just forgot.

"Yup." they both replied, laughing. I joined in on there laughing. Zoe looped her arm through mine and pulled us both towards my first class and away from Cody. We both waved back at him and continued to walk.

"Why are you walking me to class?" I stared at her, she was wearing a red v-neck and dark skinny jeans, but somehow Zoe could make a casual outfit look formal.

"Are you still throwing up?" she asked me quietly, stopping in front of my first block. I looked at her, confused.

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you feel sick in any way other than that?" Zoe looked worried, which wasn't like her. She didn't waste time worrying about anything.

"My boobs hurt a little I guess." I looked down at my sweater and back up to Zoe. She looked like she could faint any second. 

"Could you be pregnant?" Even though her face was serious, I lost it. I was laughing uncontrollably, I almost hit the floor.

"No, Zoe." I smiled at her. "I love you for being worried about me, but it's not possible."

I knew my words didn't convince her, but either way I knew I wasn't pregnant. I walked into my first block without thinking anymore about Zoe's words.

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