Chapter 7: Cupcakes

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Chapter 7: Cupcakes

Things with Dylan are great. Somehow we are making this friends thing work. Its nice having him in my life. He's everything I thought he was.

Ethan and I are doing good too. He is busy at school this week so he hasn't been able to come home, but we still talk on the phone every night, and video chat when we have the time.

Zoe keeps pushing me and asking me when we are gonna get some 'alone time'. I laugh when she asks me but that's it because truthfully i don't know if i want to sleep with Ethan, at least not yet.

We don't get alone time anyways. Either Aubrey or Cody are right beside us at all times.

Mom finally came home after almost three days staying with 'a friend'. She has been doing that a lot lately. She leaves for work in the morning and doesn't come home for a few days. Then comes back like nothing happened. Aubrey and I have learned how to adjust though, it isn't much different than when she's around though.

"Jessi" Aubrey pulled on my baggy T-shirt. "Can I watch Elsa and Ana?" I smiled down at her and nodded. Once i put on her favorite movie I walked into the kitchen to start spaghetti for dinner. Once I finished I sat Aubrey down in her seat at the table and we started to eat.

There was a knock at the door. I looked at Aubrey.

Once I realized she had no idea that there was even a knock on the door I got up to answer it.

"Dylan?" I asked, confused as to why he was on my doorstep. "Is everything okay?"

He nodded, smiling. "I just thought I'd come visit a friend."

I smiled back softly. I wasn't sure this was a good idea, but I didn't care. I gestured to let him inside and he happily walked into the kitchen where Aubrey was still slopping up spaghetti.

He smiled at her and waved. She did the same back.

"You can join us if you'd like." i said softly, still unsure if this was smart. He nodded and gladly grabbed a plate of food.

We all finished eating and Aubrey got the idea to make cupcakes. Halfway through baking them Aubrey fell asleep on Dylan. I giggled at the sight of the two. I tried to take her from him but she held her arms around his neck tighter. Dylan laughed and told me he didn't mind walking her upstairs.

I went into the kitchen to pull cupcakes out of the oven and laid them on top of the stove.

I felt eyes lingering on my back. I turned around to see Dylan leaning against the island in the kitchen staring at me. His eyes were dark, and filled with something I couldn't make out.

"Dylan?" I moved closer to him, a little concerned. Dylan straightened up his posture, clearing his throat. Seeming to snap out of whatever daze he had been in.

"I'm sorry, Jess." he whispered so softly I almost didn't hear him. Before i could ask why he was apologizing a spatula was rubbed against my cheek, leaving a line of icing behind.

I gasped and stared at him in shock.

"You didn't!"

"I did." he said while laughing. I gave him a devious look and quickly put my finger into the jar of icing and wiping it on his nose. He chuckled and grabbed my waist as I attempted to run away.

Dylan smeared icing all over me while I tried to take some off my face and smear onto his. I was unsuccessful. He grabbed both of my wrists to keep me from smearing anymore icing onto his face. I was laughing uncontrollably, trying to get away from his hold.

The look on Dylan's face made me stop in my tracks. I wasn't laughing anymore, neither was he. We were just standing there, staring at each other. He had icing all over his face, but he was still so handsome. His eyes made me freeze. He had the same look he had when he walked into the kitchen, the same look he had before we kissed at the club that night.

"Dylan." I gulped. If it were even possible, his beautiful blue eyes darkened more. Dylan leaned forward, his hands releasing mine and moving to my hips. He pulled our bodies closer together and I waited for our lips to touch. I wanted this so bad. For a moment, Ethan passed through my mind. Any thoughts of Ethan were erased when Dylan's lips hit mine.

I had forgotten the feeling I got from kissing Dylan. There was a shock down my spine and butterflies in my stomach. It was the best feeling in the world.

Dylan pulled away but only to leave a trail of kisses along my neck and collar bone. My skin was burning with every kiss he left on my skin. I ran my hands through his soft hair. God, I forgot what it felt like to be with him.

Not that I remember what the last time felt like, I was completely wasted.

Dylan lifted me onto the island behind him and moved his lips back to my mouth, sending another shock down my spine. His fingers traced the hem line of my shorts cautiously. It was almost like he was afraid to go any further, but in that moment that is all I wanted. I wanted to go further. I wanted to be with him and I wanted to remember it this time.

Dylan looked me in the eyes, asking me for permission. I nodded vigorously and without hesitating Dylan carried me upstairs.

Its safe to say that I forgot all about icing those cupcakes.

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