Chapter 30: Checking Out

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Chapter 30: Checking Out

Finally, after our fourth day in the hospital we were all able to leave. Aubrey's doctor said she could go home, but she had to take it easy and get lots of rest. Same with me. Every two days for the next week a home care doctor would be stopping by the house to check on Aubrey and make sure everything health wise remained the same for her. As of now, she is recovering wonderfully.

Dylan carried Aubrey into the house and into her bedroom; me trailing behind with Ava in my arms. A smile made its way onto my face when I crossed the threshold into our home. We came home with both girls; happy and healthy.

Dylan shut Aubrey's bedroom door quietly, saying she was already out like a light. Sleepy girl.

Ava started crying softly in my arms. I stared down at my little baby with a smile.

"Shh. Mommas here, baby." I cooed at her. She must be hungry. I moved into the living room and got comfy on the couch, pulling out my breast to feed my little one. She latched in immediately. I didn't want to breast feed honestly, but the doctors explained to me how it can help a baby's immune system and, many other things, I just couldn't say no. It's only for a few months.

Ava slowly drifted off to sleep in my arms after she had finished eating and I carefully went to lay her in her new crib. It had to be more comfortable than that hospital bed she was in.

I walked into the kitchen to see Dylan leaning against the counter, smiling at me. I smiled back and walked towards him; placing a long kiss on his soft lips.

"I love you so much." He whispered, his hands cupping my face. His breath smelled like orange juice, and for some strange reason, I found it funny. I giggled at him, wounding my arms around his neck.

"I love you too." I placed a small kiss on his jawline, enjoying the feeling of him shivering against me. It's been so long...

Dylan's hands moved to my waist and he grabbed them tightly, but not too tightly. He smirked down at me and before I knew what was happening his mouth was on my neck, leaving small kisses down my neck and onto my chest.

A soft moan escaped my lips and I smiled. I missed the feeling of his lips on my skin. Dylan pulled away from me and turned me around so my back was against the island. He lifted me onto the island with ease and stared straight into my eyes the whole time.

His eyes were the same ones I've seen many times before. They were a dark shade of blue, and they were filled with lust. This time though, they were also filled with passion. Dylan's lips quickly met mine and the all too familiar shock I had gotten so many times before shot through my spine. I loved this man with all of my being. My skin was burning everywhere he touched, and I knew exactly what I wanted.

Almost like clockwork, Ava's soft cry echoed through the house bringing us back to reality. Dylan sighed, but the smile never left his face. He leaned his forehead against mine. We were both panting and trying to regain our composure.

"I'll get her." He said, placing another kiss on my lips. Dylan walked away to take care of Ava and I exhaled deeply. I wanted him so badly. It's been so long since we have even thought about having sex. With everything that has happened, it just hasn't felt right. Now, with two girls, it seems almost impossible that we will get to anytime soon.

Soon Dylan walked back into the kitchen; me still sitting on the island in a daze. He put both his hands on my thighs, rubbing them softly. His blue eyes were no longer dark lust filled pools, but soft and loving ones.

"I want everything to be perfect." He said to me. Confused, I furrowed my eyebrows. "We have only ever had sex twice. The first time, neither of us even remember. The second, even though we created a beautiful daughter, was wrong. I don't want to have sex with you, Jess. I want to make love to you, and I want it to be perfect."

I smiled lovingly at Dylan. He was such a good man. "Me too." I honestly couldn't believe that we have made it to where we have. We have a beautiful family, Dylan has found a new teaching job at a local middle school, and soon enough I will be in college, bettering myself for my girls. Everything is finally falling into place for us, and I couldn't be happier.

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