Chapter 13: Breaking the News

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Chapter 13: Breaking the News

Today marks 8 weeks.

I am 8 weeks pregnant. I've had a baby inside me for 8 weeks.

Now I have to tell Ethan. I wish so much that this wasn't happening to me. I invited Ethan over for the first time since the day I told him I cheated on him. I felt like he had a right to know, like I had to tell him in person.

I told Aubrey last night before she left for her friends house for the weekend. She was actually excited for me. I haven't told my mom because shes barely home at the same time we are. If she is she doesn't speak to us.

My birthday is next week too. A lot is going on.

A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. I took a deep breath and went to answer the door.

"Hey beautiful." Ethan smiled his gorgeous smile at me. I have missed him so much. I threw my arms around his neck tightly.

"I missed you." I mumbled into his shirt. Part of me was afraid I was over stepping but I didn't care. I missed Ethan and I wanted him to know it.

He hugged me back just as tightly. "I missed you too, Jess." Ethan pulled away from me and followed me into the living room, sitting next to me on the couch. I grabbed his hands and smiled. I missed how warm his hands are.

"Ethan I have to tell you something. That's why I invited you here." I said, getting straight to the point. He nodded at me to continue. "I hope you don't hate me for what I'm about to tell you."

"I could never hate you." he said, and I believed him.

"Ethan I'm pregnant." I blurted it out. Ripped it off like a bandaid. Now he knows. He didn't look angry, just confused.

"But we didn't-"

"I know." I cut him off. We never did anything, but it could have easily been Ethan and I that messed up if we had. Things would've probably been easier.

"It's Dylan's baby." Ethan said sadly. I stared at him with my mouth wide open.

"How did you-"

"Cody told me his name. I begged him too tell me. I needed to know." Ethan looked sad, but what he said next surprised me. "I wish it was mine." he stared at his lap.

Tears left my eyes as I looked at him. I've been crying a lot lately. Hormones probably.

Ethan looked up and noticed my tears and quickly wiped them away. He forced a smile and cupped my cheek with his palm.

"I'm sorry Ethan." I sobbed, leaning onto his chest. "I never meant to hurt you, and I especially didn't mean for this to happen."

Ethan rubbed the back of my hair and kissed my head. "I know you didn't mean to hurt me, Jess."

I leaned back and smiled at him. "Thank you for not hating me."

"I told you I could never hate you." he smiled back down and me and I got lost in those gorgeous eyes, just like every other time I looked into them. Ethan leaned towards me a little, moving his eyes to my lips. I gulped.

"Ethan, This is a bad idea." I whispered.

"I know." He whispered back to me. His breath hit my face and our lips were now centimeters apart.

Just as Ethan leaned in to close the gap between us the door swung open. Both of our heads snapped to the door where my mom was walking in. She smiled at Ethan and me and walked up the stairs to her room.


I looked at Ethan who looked confused. I was too. What the hell just happened?

"I'm carrying someone else's baby, Ethan." I broke the silence. "I don't think it would be smart to be together right now."

Ethan nodded. He kissed me on the forehead once before walking outside.

I sighed and leaned back on the couch. I placed both of my hands on my stomach. I smiled a small smile as I traced circles on my belly and felt butterflies.

Mom came back downstairs and sat on the chair across from me.

"We need to talk." she said. I nodded for her to continue and she started smiling. "I met someone." I rose my eyebrows at her, did she think we didn't know? "He wants me to move in!"

"Um where?" I was not moving far away. I needed to be here.

"Well he has this little house, it's got two bedrooms and its super cozy!" she clasped her hands together excitedly.

"Are me and Aubrey supposed to share a room? Why can't he move here." not that I wanted him to, but when you add a baby to the mix and there won't be any room at all.

"See that's the thing, I would you like to adopt Aubrey." My jaw hit the floor.

"You what?" I stood up from the couch and stared at her.

"You will be 18 next week, and I have never really been close with her so I think you should be her parent from now on. I want to start a new life."

"Without your children." I pointed out coldly. Anger took over my body.

"I just think that this would be best for all of us. The house is paid off, you all can live here, or you can sell it if you would like. Its up to you of course." she pulled a paper from her purse. "Sign this, and on your 18th birthday Aubrey will be yours."

I love Aubrey, but I never thought mom would actually give her to me. Legally. Can I raise two kids? I don't have much of a choice really. I can't let Aubrey go with her, who knows what will happen to her.

I sighed and signed the papers. Mom smiled widely and pushed them back into her purse. I stared at her.

"I'm pregnant." I said. "I just want you to know that." I went to turn around and leave the room but I stopped myself. "And the day I turn 18, you will no longer be able to see either of us. If you go anywhere near Aubrey without me knowing, I won't hesitate to take you to court with a restraining order, for both of us."

And without another word she left.

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