Chapter 13: The Memory

Start from the beginning

As Y/n was gasping for air, Josh looked to the other kid and said,

Josh: "Hey, Zack! Go on and punch him where ever you'd like. Don't worry, he can take it."

Y/n slowly raised his head towards Zack and saw that he had black hair, and red eyes. He was wearing a black button up shirt with a white shirt collar underneath, he also wore black shorts and grey sneakers. He also carried a brown bag with him that strapped around his shoulder.

(BDD- God, please bare with me... just pretend that this kid has a sad look on his face or something... god damnit.)

Zack then walked up to Y/n, bent down to his level and with a sad look on his face he said,

Zack: "I'm sorry."

Zack then cocked his fist back and slammed it into Y/n's arm, though it didn't hurt as much as when Jack did it, but it still hurt non the less.

Jack and Zack both continued to pummel him as Josh just sat there and watched them do it with a smile on his face.

Then he told them to stop which they did and backed away to let Josh have a turn. Though Zack was a little reluctant to let him hurt Y/n but he didn't have a choice, so he let him through.

Josh then walked up to Y/n, knelt down, looked him in the eyes and said,

Josh: "This is for last time."

He cocked his fist back and slammed it into his left cheek, giving him a slight bruise which still hurt like hell.

Josh looked back at Y/n who was still recoiling from the punch and slammed his fist into his chest, smacking him into the wall.

Josh: "Hehe, it feels so good to pick on you, 'Rebound'. How does it feel? To be weak? To be worthless? To be...unwanted? Hahaha!"

This started drawling attention to the kids that were walking in the hall, which caused them to start to crowd around the four. Y/n slowly looked up at Josh and with a weak smirk, he said,

Y/n: "Unwanted? *pant* hehe, I've been picked multiple times, yet *pant* here you are with no adoptions on your record. Hehe, not even *pant* one."

Josh stared at him with anger in his eyes while the rest of the kids that heard the comeback began to say things like, 'Oh snap' and 'Ha! Got em!'

Y/n: "Besides, *pant* no one would pick a bully like you anyway."

Y/n said with a full blown smirk on his face as he also looked at Jack while doing the gesture.

Josh and Jack looked furious while Zack slowly backed away from them and into the crowd without them noticing.

Josh then looked furiously at Y/n and with an angry tone in his voice, he said,

Josh: "Why you!"

He then cocked his hand back and with rage filling his usually emotionless eyes, he got ready to punch him a final time. Y/n then closed his eyes, lowered his head and braced for the impact. Jack just watched Josh do this and didn't try to contribute nor intervene the situation in front of him.

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