"Well, I'll be watching from there." You pointed out on some of the nearby seats and Norrie waves at the both of you. "Good luck then." You smile and pat the side of his arms since you couldn't reach his shoulders. And he gives you a nod.

The opponent's team entered the gym in a group with their blue and white varsity jackets on.

"They're huge." One of Ushijima's teammates say as the players entered flashily with a wide mix of grins and smirks. "And pretty cocky." 

"You're the guy, right?" one of them suddenly approached Ushijima and smirks at him. "The guy Claire's dating?" 

Ushijima looks at him. His teammates looked at him but they could tell from the atmosphere. It was a fight about a girl and seeing Ushijima caught in it was rather refreshing so they were keeping their mouths shut.

"I heard from a friend." This foreigner looks like he likes to run his mouth so they only let him. "But she's pretty good in bed, right?" he suddenly says with a disgusting smile as his hand formed an o-shape. 

"Asians aren't usually packed in there so she might not be satisfied." he says, eyeing the direction of Ushijima's crotch and smirks. A tick mark formed in one of Ushijima's teammates who were listening and Ushijima raised his hand sideways to stop him.

"Well, I was told to pay you a nice welcome so let's have a fun match, Mr. Japanese." he says and leaves, waving his arm as he turns to return to his team.  

"Uwaa... That looks like bad news." Norrie looks at the entire scene from afar. The two of you were too far away to hear but you have an idea of what they were talking about from the other guy's provocatory movements and the hand sign he just made. 

"That's your ex's friend right? The one who just talked to Ushiwaka. I think his name was Axel. " Norrie says and you were deep in thought, finally remembering why he was rather familiar. "Axel is from a 'powerhouse' volleyball club?" You ask, quoting the word, powerhouse since you were skeptical about using it. 

"Yeah. But they're a nasty bunch since they like to pick up fans and viewers after their games." She says and you only shake your head. "Which reminds me. it's your ex's friend right? They're the one who keeps spreading rumours about your bed skills." She reminds you and the memory was replayed in your head. 

You weren't really innocent to the whole bed business. But you've always had a knack for attracting and dating pussies who have poor bed skills. And your recent ex was one of them. Not only was his ego the only big thing about him, he fells asleep after being given oral. In the end, he became addicted like your every other ex and it turned to a one-sided sexual relationship but he still only lasted until foreplay. And when you broke up with him, he wasn't willing to let go of you. Such that he retorted to spreading rumours about your bed skills as a form of punishment.

The Little and the Giant (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now