Part 20 What Did He Ask?

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"Are you asking me on a date?" Kaminari asked.

"Yes, I'm asking you out on a date," he said, a little more confident.

Kaminari had a blank face. "I-"

Kaminari saw his friends staring at the two Mina and Sero giving him a thumbs up. "I don't know, I-I'm sorry," Kaminari pushed past him and ran to his room. Kaminari was too overwhelmed, he needed to clear his head and think.

Shinso stood there shocked. Not 100% sure with what just happened. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mina look to where Kaminari ran off with a worried look, but that soon turned to anger as she looked at the alpha.

"What did you just say to Kami?" Mina asked angrily from behind him. All she knew was that they talked and her best friend ran away looking like he was going to cry. She had no context but she knew it was Shinso's fault.

Shinso was a little dazed and didn't answer Mina.

"Stupid alphas" she muttered before running to go find Kaminari.

"Dude what just happened?" Sero asked Shinso when he went to sit down.

"I- I asked him, and he ran away," Shinso's face was blank and he didn't know what to do.

"What did you ask him?" Kirishima asked oblivious to what just happened.

"To go on a date," Shinso said.


Mina couldn't find Kaminari in his room and she was getting a little worried. This was the way he ran, so where was he?

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the curtains blowing. Did he really? She looked out the window. Since he was on the first floor it was only a few feet from the ground. She jumped out the window and started her search outside, eventually finding him not that far down the trail, curled up on a ball on a small rock.

"Hey, Kami? You ok?" Mina asked.

"I'm so stupid," Kaminari muttered "so fucking stupid." Mina had rarely heard her friend swear so this must have been on another level of stupidity.

"Your not stupid Kami," Mina said sitting beside him. "What happened?" Mina asked.

"He asked me out and I panicked. I panicked and said 'I don't know' and then apologized." Kaminari said into his hands. "I apologized Mina... I'm so stupid," he said again.

Mina didn't know what to do. For the first time when it came to comforting her friends, she didn't know what to do. For some reason she was expecting Shinso to have said something really mean and then she would yell at him and stuff, but not this.

"So tell him that, tell him you panicked, tell him you really do want to go out with him." Mina rubbed his back.

"How am I supposed to do that? I practically just said no to him," Kaminari ran a hand through his hair. "I can't just go back and say, 'hey sorry I actually do want to go out with you I'm just an idiot and panicked earlier' that's not something I can do."

The pink omega sighed "Remember the days when we didn't worry about boys and alphas and all that?" Mina asked. "It was so much easier," she sighed.

"But that was before I became friends with you," Kaminari said.

"Aww, I guess friends are worth a bit of alpha trouble," Mina bumped his shoulder. There was a short silence before she continued. "You could just write him a letter, explain what happened, it would make sure you got all the right words down."

"Ya, maybe I will, but right now, I just want to sit here," Kaminari rested his head on Minas shoulder and she rested her head on Kaminari. "Thank you for being my friend," Kaminari said.

"No problem, I'll always be here for you Kami, not matter what stupid things you do." They both laughed.

They sat there for a while, listening to the birds chirping, and the noise of the cars that passed far behind them.

It was peaceful, this was the most peace the two had had in a long time.

(Man sorry for how short this one was... anyways hope you liked it! we're almost at 1K reads and that makes me so happy!! I may do a special I don't know comment if you want one.)

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