Part 1 entrence exam

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Kaminari had just finished the entrance exams for UA and was heading home. His brain was buzzing with excitement, he had a chance of getting in. He took down a lot of the robots, so he didn't really have any doubts on that side of the test but the written side, oh gods he was worried about that.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" He called when he entered the house.

He flicked on the lights and saw his parents stand in front of him with big grins on their faces. They were holding a sign that said 'congratulations!' On it. They were holding several coloured balloons and had streamers all over the house.

"I'm not in yet, hold off the congratulations," he said, going to hug his parents. He was so happy they were so encouraging like this.

"We're so proud of you though, you've done so much to get into this school," his mom said, hugging him tightly.

"Thanks," Kaminari said. "But, I'm exhausted, I want to go take a nap," he finished hugging his parents. "Wake me up for supper,"

"Ok," his dad said, "we're having family over tonight, so get some rest and we'll make sure we wake you up when they get here."

Denki smiled with a nod.

When he got to his room he practically collapsed onto his bed. A million thoughts stormed his mind. What if he couldn't get into UA? What would his parents think of him then? Would they send him back into the system?

Kaminari's anxiety started to take hold and he began to cry into a pillow. He couldn't go back into the system, he loved the family he had now.

His thoughts ran wild as his mind thought up worse scenarios. His mom and dad telling him to pack his stuff, his aunt laughing in his face, everyone laughing at the omega who thought he could get into the best hero school in Japan.

He didn't know when but eventually he fell asleep. He didn't hear cars pulling into the lain way, he didn't hear his dad coming up the stairs to wake him up, and he didn't hear his cousins yelling and screaming as they tackled each other downstairs.

"Hey, Denki, you should get up now, the family is here." He heard his dad say as he lightly shook Kaminari's shoulder.

Kaminari slowly opened his eyes and sat up. "You may want to hurry before your cousins come to get you," he laughed before standing to go back downstairs. When he got to Kaminari's door he paused and looked back at his son. "You did awesome at your exam," he said before leaving.

As much as he wanted to believe him, the more he thought about it the more he doubted that he could actually get in.

Kaminari quickly changed and went to wash his face so it didn't look so red before going to join his family downstairs.

As much as he loved his family, he found it hard to like his aunt and uncle. When with the family they would just say little things that would get under Kaminari's skin but when alone it was way worse, oh so much worse. The only reason they had for not liking him was that Kaminari was an Omega and not family by blood. They saw him as weak and didn't understand why his parents would adopt him when they had a chance to adopt an Alpha instead.

Of course, his parents would always shut them down before they said too much, but it still hurt.

"We're told you applied to UA," his aunt said when he got to the living room. He was immediately tackled by his two younger cousins. "As if you could actually get into a school like that," he heard her whisper.

"Umm ya, I had my entrance exam today," Kaminari tried to smile at his aunt but found it extremely hard.

"Ah, what did you have to do?" His uncle asked. If Kaminari had to pick between his aunt and uncle he would pick his uncle, he never really said anything snotty like his aunt but he knew he was thinking it.

"Well, for the physical part of the exam we had to take down a bunch of robots," Kaminari said, "and then there was the written portion."

"Cool!" His cousin, Sakura said, pulling on Kaminari's sleeve to have him sit beside her.

"How many did you take down?" His other cousin, Riku, asked as he fiddled with some LEGO.

"I don't really know maybe 15-20," he said. He hears his aunt scoff so to try and get on her nerves a little more he continued. "Ya they were all about as tall as a house, there was even one that was almost as tall as a skyscraper," he didn't say that that was the zero pointers and that no one in his arena actually took it down. But he hears someone in a different group took it down in one shot.

"Wow, so cool" both the kids said.

Kaminari's mom could feel the tension growing between her sister and Kaminari so she stood up to ask if everyone was ready to eat. The kids nodded and pulled Kaminari out to the kitchen.

"Why would you let him even try getting into a school like that, he's weak and probably lying about those robots, I heard the school doesn't even let Omegas in." Kaminari heard his aunt whisper hiss at his mom. The small smile that was on his face fell. Of course, she was right, why would a school like UA let an Omega in? That's why he begged his parents to let him enroll as a Beta. He knew he was lying about that but he really wanted a chance to get into UA.

He couldn't hear what his mom said back to her sister but less then a minute later they came to join everyone in the kitchen for food.


The next day Kaminari slept in till about noon, he had been more tired than he thought from the day before. He came downstairs to find an envelope with his name on it sitting on the table. He picked it up and turned it over to see the UA symbol. His mom walked in to see him staring at the envelope holding it with shaky hands.

"Open it," she said coming up behind him and lightly resting her hands on his shoulders to try and calm his nerves.

He nodded before taking a breath and sliding his finger under the seam and taking out a folded paper and a video.

"Congratulations young Denki Kaminari!" A video recording of All Might popped up in front of Kaminari making him jump. Wait... did he say congratulations? Did he-

"You have been accepted as a student in UA high school!"

"I've been-" Kaminari's brain wasn't processing what All Might was saying.

"I All Might will be one of your teachers in the Hero course of class 1A! Now get rest my young hero, school starts next week!" The video went blank and Kaminari didn't know what to do.

He sat staring at where the video had been.

"I've been... accepted?" A small smile started to grow on Kaminari's face.

"Oh! I'm so proud of you Denki! I knew you could do it!" Kaminari's mom hugged him from behind.

Kaminari was still frozen. He got into UA... he was going to be in class 1A.


Secrets -Shinkami Book 1-Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora