Part 10 The beach

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Mina had woken Kaminari up early to get ready for the beach. The others who had agreed to come were waiting in the common room. Shinso looked more tired than ever, Midoriya and Todoroki had made lunches for everyone, and Tsu was extremely excited for swimming.

Mina had asked Aizawa that morning if they were allowed to do this excursion and he allowed it as long as they had a safe way there and back, which they did. They all took the city bus to the beach which was surprisingly packed.

The group found a nice place to put down their towels and went to go change in the washroom. "Ready for your swimming lesson?" Kaminari asked Shinso playfully hitting his shoulder when they were both done changing.

"Ready as I'll ever be," there was a small smile on Shinso's face when he answered. Not at all because Kaminari was topless and about to teach him how to swim... not at all... (best 2 am writing right there)

Kaminari took Shinso's hand and almost immediately regretted it but was too far in now to back out. He weaved through the crowd until they found the water. It was a nice temperature so it was easy to get in.

They didn't go deep, both boys could still stand. Kaminari started to show Shinso how to tread water. "Move your hands back and forth like this, and your legs there spinning in circles" he showed him the movement above water before sinking down to his shoulders and treading. Shinso did as he was told and to his surprise was able to keep his head above water without touching the bottom.

He continued showing Shinso little swimming tricks and found it a little funny that he, an omega, was teaching Shinso, an alpha, something. That didn't happen often.

"Kami! Wanna race?" Mina shouted over at one of the floating markers.

"Be there in a sec!" Kaminari yelled back. "You mind if I go swim with Mina for a bit? You can come to, if you don't mind the deep end," Kaminari offered with a smile.

Shinso declined saying he was going to go sit on the beach for a bit with some of their other classmates and read, and that he may join later.

Kaminari swam over to where he saw his pink friend bobbing in the waves. For a moment a wave came in between the two and Kaminari could no longer see the other omega. Looking around he started to get worried. All of a sudden he felt something grab his leg. He let out a scream before frantically trying to swim away, a few of his classmates saw the commotion and swam over to see what was going on.

"Gotcha!" Mina said, popping up in front of Kaminari who was now out of breath and was close to fainting.

"You're lucky I didn't try to electrocute you," Kaminari said. He knew that he would hurt a lot of people if he used his quirk in the water.

"Is everyone ok?" Sero asked swimming over to the two omegas.

"Ya, Mina just scared the crap out of me that's all." Kaminari glared at his friend before both of them broke out Into laughter.

"Ok race now?" Mina asked. Kaminari nodded. "To the rock and back, 3... 2..." before she could hit one she started swimming.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Kaminari yelled before swimming after her. Both of them taped the rock at the same time and were on their way back to the floating marker.

"And... Kaminari wins!" Sero announced when kaminari got to the finish line almost two seconds before Mina.

Both out of breath decided it would be a good idea to go sit on the beach for a little bit.

Kaminari collapsed on his towel exhausted from all the swimming. He was laughing at a joke Shinso had made when he heard two kids yelling and running over to Kaminari.

"Denki!" One of them yelled. He realized it was his cousins. And where his cousins were his aunt wasn't far behind.

"Hey, Sakura, hey Riku, what are you two doing here?" He asked, playfully messing up Riku's hair. Kaminari was really hoping that their mother was off swimming or tanning and wouldn't see him.

"Denki is that you?" Oh, gods what he would do to be Hagakure right now.

"I'll be back guys just give me a sec," Kaminari said, getting up and walking over to his aunt. He didn't want his friends to hear any of the horrible things she says to him.

The others couldn't hear what they were saying over the noise of the crowd and wind, but they could tell the woman was upset about something and Kaminari had started to cower. When he got back to his friends Kaminari was on the verge of tears. "I think I'm done with the beach today," Kaminari said his voice cracking slightly. "I'm going to catch the next bus, I'll see you all back at the dorms."

He started to pack up his towel. "I'll come with you, I don't want you going alone," Mina offered.

"No stay, you were the one who wanted to go to the beach anyway." Mina could tell he was about to break down, she didn't want to leave her friend alone.

"I can go with Kaminari, I'm done with the beach anyways," Shinso said. Mina hesitated slightly before agreeing to let her best friend go back to the dorms with the insomniac.

Shinso grabbed his towel and put on his shirt. Since his swimming shorts were dry he didn't see the point in changing until they got back to school.

They walked to the bus stop and waited. "Who was the woman?" Shinso asked.

"My stupid aunt," Kaminari said agitatedly. He hated his aunt. He hated that something she says could swing his mood so much.

Shinso didn't know if he should ask anything else on the subject considering how much Kaminari's mood seems to be changing.

"Thanks for the swimming lessons," Shinso decided to say instead. "We should go swimming together again."

Kaminari tried to smile. Though his aunt's words still lingered in his mind, the offer made the blond omega a little happier.

"Ya, it's a date!" Kaminari said, trying to act like his normal bubbly self. And then he realized exactly what he had said. "I don't mean like a date date I mean like hanging out sort of- y-you know what I mean" Kaminari's face beat red.

"I know what you mean," Shinso agreed, a little red in the face as well. The bus pulled into the stop. They let people get off before finding two seats of their own. "You know it's only 12 we have till 5 that we need to be back at the dorms, you want to wander around the mall or something?" Shinso wouldn't admit it but he really just wanted to spend some time with the other boy.

Kaminari smiled. "Ya, sure! It'll take my mind off my aunt," he said. There was also maybe the fact that Kaminari wanted to spend time with Shinso as well... What noo that's totally not actually true... noooo he just needs to get his mind off his aunt... ya that totally his ONLY reasoning... totally. (Some more amazing 2 am writing😂)

(Thanks for reading! I don't really have anything else to say sooo... see you in the next chapter hopefully!)

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