Part 8 You... Knew?

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On the second day, Kaminari was feeling a little better. Not his best though, he was still stuck in bed and his stomach still hurt when he moved.

He heard a knock at the door and thinking it was Mina or Recovery Girl coming to see how he was doing he told them they could come in.

What he was not expecting to see was the purple-haired insomniac. He started to freak out a little. Without his secant blockers, the whole room smelled like him. The omega him.

"W-what are you doing here?" Kaminari asked, trying to calm down. He wanted to just hide under his covers and pretend he wasn't there and wait till the alpha left.

"We need to talk," Shinso said, stepping further into his room. Well if he didn't smell it before he definitely would now.

"About..?" Kaminari asked. They hadn't really talked all that much so he didn't know what he would have to talk about.

"The other day I overheard one of your's and Mina's conversations, and I don't know if she told you or not, but I just want to make sure you knew I wasn't going to tell anyone," Shinso said. He looked a little nervous and had started to fidget with the hem of his shirt.

Kaminari was completely lost. What was he talking about? "I'm not following," Kaminari said. Ok by now there was no way he couldn't have figured out he was an omega just by his scent.

"You told Mina you wanted to tell the class you weren't a Beta," Shinso clarified. "I didn't mean to overhear the conversation, I was just coming to get Mina cuz the class was leaving for school and they didn't want to leave her behind." Shinso felt stupid, Kaminari didn't know that he had overheard there was no need for this conversation.

Kaminari's face turned pale as he processed the information, then a whole new wave of panic washed over him. "D-does anyone else knows?" Kaminari managed to choke out.

"Unless they figured it out on their own, no, I didn't tell anyone. I told Mina this, and all tell you, I don't like spilling other people's secrets, it's not right." Kaminari could only nod as a new wave of nausea flooded his stomach.

"Umm do you need anything?" Shinso asked, he was there already so why not help out?

Kaminari groaned and clutched his stomach. If he was telling the truth he wanted someone to cuddle him, tell him the pain will pass, tell him it's supposed to go away tomorrow. But he was not going to tell Shinso that. "A glass of water would be nice," he managed to say. Shinso nodded and took the glass beside the sick omegas bed and went to fill it up with water in the bathroom.

"You're a good friend," Kaminari said when Shinso came back with his water. Deep down in both of them, they didn't really want to be just friends, but hey neither of them are all that good with feelings, so who knows when they will figure that out.

Shinso didn't really know what to say to the comment. He hadn't really had friends, mostly because of his quirk. Everyone in his elementary school said he was going to be a villain so they stayed away from him. So hearing that made him happy and maybe even a little flustered.

"Oh, ya, no problem. I should probably go, it's my turn to prep for dinner with Todoroki." Shinso didn't really know what to say so he just tried to make it sound like he needed to leave. "Umm hope you get better soon," he said heading to the door.

"Wait Shinso," Kaminari said, Shinso stopped in his tracks and turned to face the other boy.

"Uh, ya?"

"Thank you again, for not telling anyone that is, and I guess for the cup of water too. I'm happy you could be in our class." Something else was on the tip of Kaminari's tongue but he wasn't going to say it, they weren't really close enough friends for him to ask this of the insomniac.

"Ya, no problem, but you don't really need to thank me, I just did what I thought was right, and that was keeping my mouth shut," Shinso said. "Get well soon, the class wants their bubbly friend back." Shinso closed the door before Kaminari processed what he said.

He couldn't help but wonder if that meant that Shinso wanted him back as well.

(Sorry this chapter was so short 780 words is way less than usual. Anyways hope you liked it! More will be on its way!!)

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