"Now I get it"

'Even though I'm not used to his accent, the way he speak suits him perfectly. Maybe I can ask him to teach me how to speak like that so I can annoy Levi more hahaha'

"Where is Mary? I couldn't see her it's dark, " I said

"She's right there, Clint point at the front," right below our boat.

"I didn't see anything, How the heck can you see her?" I whine

"Oh I forgot about that! " Clint exclaim then grab something inside his small bag "Here wear this, so you can see in the dark "

Then Clint give me a black rectangular box. I open it and I can see an eyeglass inside. I decided to wear it and I'm shock that I'm able to see Sergeant below, walking with a golden sword on her hand.

"There she is!" I exclaim

I can see her suddenly stop walking then drop her sword and hug the air.

"What's gotten into her? She's hugging something, is the one she hugs imvisible?"

"I don't know?" Clint answer as he furrowed his eyebrows

I see sergeant walking while talking to herself and she's heading to a................dark abyss.

"Does she know where's she's heading?!! "

"I'm afraid, she's trapped in a fantasy or illusion. Looks like the Guardian Demon's ability is creating fantasy or illusions,"  Clint answer

I can see Mary laugh while talking to herself.

"Really?! that's great! Take me there," Mary said then jump up and down like a kid

"We must help her!!! Come on! How can we get down on this damn boat!!! " I protest

"I trust her, she is not someone who lose easily," Clint said

Y/N pov.

"Hey Grace, do you think the Demon is guarding now the flower?"  I ask


"Are we almost there?" I ask again

"Yeah, I know this place and I'm here since last week. I didn't get the flower because the demon's guarding there but since you're here I'm 100% sure we can get it," Grace answer "We are here "

We are now at the edge of the hole. When I look down, I can see a glowing yellow flower surrounded by a crystal clear water below.

"Since you're strong, you should jump first, distract the demon below and I'll kill it." Grace said stating the plan

"Ok,  so I'm just going to  jump here right?" I ask

"Yeah, once you jump, the demon will be alarm and show up." Grace answer

"I see"

"Be careful Y/N," Grace said

"oh! by the way , I'm not here to kill the demon. I'm here to get the flower," I said

"What do you mean? "

"Nothing," I only said then smile sweetly "Bye!  I'm gonna jump!"

I slightly bend my knees preparing to jump.

"But.......I think you should go first," I only said then kick her to the hole.


Then the view at the bottom of hole where the flower is, crack like glass. So the view that was suppose to be where the flower is turn into a dark abyss.

Legend of The Wings of Freedom (Levi x Reader) [[Hiatus]]Where stories live. Discover now