Chapter 21 - Comfort

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Tayler's pov

I took the elevator upstairs to the top floor, coming face to face with Ryland as soon as the elevator opened. I quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled him inside, closing the elevator doors. "Ryland I need your help." I pleaded, trying to talk im a quiet voice.

He looked questioningly at me, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly. "Why? What is it?" He asked, leaning against the wall.

I glanced down at my feet. "I fucked up. I got in between Tony and Nick's relationship. I need you to talk with Nick." I said, somewhat embarrassed and guilty.

Ryland rolled his eyes, a hint of a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips before quickly disappearing. "Where is Nick now?" He asked.

I looked back up at him. "He's in his room." Ryland nodded, pressing the button for the floor that Nick's room was on.

Ryland's pov

I left the elevator, swiftly walking towards the direction of Nick's room. After all this time... I thought. I can finally get closer to Nick. Now that Tony is out of the way. I made my way to Nick's door and knocked on it, waiting for it to open.

I was soon greeted with the face of Nick. His cheeks were red, stained with tears that still threatened to fall. I pouted opening my arms and letting his fragile body collapse into mine. Rubbing his back soothingly, I whispered comforting words. "It's ok. You're gonna be ok."

One week later

Nick's pov

I'm not gonna lie, I was completely broken. Only a week ago did my heart shatter. Tony and I didn't officially break up but it was one hell of a reality check. Luckily, Ryland's been helping me. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without him. There's something about the way he acts differently with me. It's comforting. It makes me feel wanted. Feel like I'm still loved.

I let out a sigh, finally coming out of my endless thoughts. I had been sitting alone on the roof for nearly an hour now. The sky was cloudy, the sun occasionally peeking through the crowded atmosphere.

Although... something about me still feels lost. Like a piece of me is missing. A lost puzzle piece. Gone, without a meaning.

"Hey, Nick." Ryland's voice cut through the silence as he approached, sitting down. "You've been up here for a while." He sounded slightly worried. I mean, I can see why.

"I'm fine. Just thinking." I glanced at him, my attention quickly turning back to the different shapes the clouds made. It was true, I was just thinking. But I did lie about one thing. I was far from fine.

We sat in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company. It was relaxing. I was bundled up in my lavender hoodie with butterflies in the sleeves. The one Tony gave me. Ryland scooted closer, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and letting me lran against his body. I had barely had any physical affection other than the attention Ryland would give me when I felt lost like I am now.

"Well, I'm gonna go back down. It's cold and I forgot a jacket." Ryland said, crossing his arms and shivering. I nodded, watching him stand and climb down the ladder.

Ryland's pov

I climbed down the ladder, making my way back inside the house. As soon as I opened the door, I was met with Chase.

He stood there, his arms crossed and his face emotionless. I arched an eyebrow, gesturing for him to say whatever he was planning on speaking. Chase let out a sigh. "I noticed you and Nick getting fairly close lately. So, not only have you played me, but now Ondre? What's he gonna do when he finds out, huh?"

I narrowed my eyes, scowling. "Oh, so you're gonna go tell him? I'm just Nick's friend. He's going through a really rough time right now."

Chase rolled his eyes, shifting his weight. "Oh, yea, I know. I know exactly what he feels." With that, he stormed off downstairs. I sighed, annoyed at how much of a bitch he's being.

A few hours later I went to Nick's room and knocked on his door. He answered, a soft smile appearing once he saw me. I held up my car keys, earning a confusing look from him. "Come on, we're gonna go on a little drive." I said, dangling the keys.

sorry for not posting in a while, i hit a writers block. and also sorry for the short chapter. Anyways I want to thank you guys SOOOOOOO much for 41k reads <3

Also i just wanna say, you guys are gonna hate me for the next chapter. And also hate a certain character.

Another thing: We have officially gotten halfway with this book. I'm so happy at how far its come. Thanks to you guys I keep writing. If it werent for you this book probably would have ended at chapter 6 or even 4.

A note for my other books: I will continue them once I finish this. I am rewriting 2 books and yet to write another 9 ;-;

For any of you reading Dream Catcher and love how the book is now: it will not stay the same. I went into more detail on them in another note if your curious.

I hope you guys have a great day/night! <3

-ya boy Adrian

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