Chapter 17 - I want you

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Tony's pov

"Tony..." Nick whined. "Right now? Really?"

I nodded, planting a kiss on his lips. "Why? Got somewhere to be?" I whispered, trailing my lips down his neck. He shivered at the touch, his body going limp under me. "Because whatever it is..." I paused for a moment before continuing. "I'm sure it can wait..." Nick let out a quiet gasp as my hand traced down the center of his body, moving to the side of his hips.

Of course, not all good moments last. We were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. What the hell is everyone's deal with interrupting shit? I groaned, getting up and walking over to the door, opening it so only I could see out. "Hm?"

I was met with the face of Michael. "Oh, hey. Thomas was wondering where Nick is. He's filming his vlog. Have you seen Nick anywhere?"

I hesitantly shook my head. "Nah, haven't seen him. Sorry." Michael nodded and I closed the door, turning back to Nick who was sitting on my bed. "Thomas needs you."

Nick grinned, rolling his eyes. "You're such a bad liar." He stood, grabbing a nearly full White Claw from my desk and walked over to me, grabbing behind my neck with one hand and pulling me into a kiss, completely catching me by surprise. "I'll be back later." He said, pulling away. I just nodded, watching Nick leave the room, an eerie silence settling.

Michael's pov

"Michael go get Nick," Thomas ordered, fiddling with his camera.

I looked up from my phone. "Why?" He glanced back at me, giving me a 'why do you think?' look. I sighed, standing and leaving the room to find Nick.

He could be anywhere in the house. But he's probably with Tony. I thought, heading straight to Tony's room. I got there and stood outside the door, hearing the muffled sound of someone talking. Quickly, I knocked.

Not even a minute later I encountered Tony who just barely poked his head out of his door. "Hm?"

"Oh, hey. Thomas was wondering where Nick is. He's filming his vlog. Have you seen Nick anywhere?" I quickly said.

He slowly shook his head. "Nah, haven't seen him. Sorry." I nodded, turning on my heel to go look outside by the pool. 

The sound of a door was faintly heard behind me, followed by the slurred words of Nick. "Hey..." He wandered over, a White Claw hanging in his grasp.

I rolled my eyes, sighing at the appearance. "Nick, don't act drunk. You're not"

He scoffed, walking besides me as we stranded towards Thomas' room. "Damn. Well I already drank some anyways. I mean might as well get drunk tonight, right?" I shrugged, looking away from him as we continued our walk. (basically this cuts to one of Thomas' vlog but i dont feel like writing it)


Tony's pov

The sound of my door opening causing my attention to snap to it. I was met with tired eyes of Nick who stood slouched over, clearly drunk. Perfect. I set my phone down, standing and walking over to him, wrapping my hands around his waist. "Hey," A whisper escaped from my mouth. Nick smiled, pushing past me and practically jumping onto my bed. I locked the door before walking back over to the side of the bed, a grin pulling at the corners of my lips. Nick propped himself up on his elbows, gazing over my muscular build. He returned the smile, motioning for me to join him. I swiftly got onto the bed, hovering over him without a second thought.

We stared into each other eyes for a moment before connecting our lips, moving in sync passionately. Nick let out a muffled whimper, grabbing around my neck and back. I smiled against the kiss, my hands moving to his waist. I pulled away to gaze into his eyes again. "I want you. And only you." Nick slurred drunkenly. I nodded, moving my lips to his neck and sucking harshly as my hand explored his body, grazing over his chest and torso. Nick let out a quiet moan, slightly arching his back as I found his sweet spot just above his collarbone. I ran my tongue along the bone, sending shivers through his body. I lowered my hips slightly, brushing against his. "Uhhmm... Tonyyy~" Nick moaned again, throwing his head back as his hands gripped the sheets. I smirked again, pressing down harder as yet another moan escaped his mouth. At this point I didn't care about anything else but Nick. I sat up, sliding off my shirt as Nick did too. Leaning back down, I ran my hand down his torso, sending shivers down his body. Nick smirked. "You gotta stop doing this." He said playfully.

I let out a chuckle, my breath dancing across his skin on his chest. "If I did, you wouldn't enjoy it as much..."

And then there was a knock on the door.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I shouted angrily at the door.

"Jesus Chist calm down I was just wondering where you guys were." Ryland spat back from the other side of the door. There was shuffling outside and then it went quiet again.

I turned back to Nick, staring in his eyes for a moment until we broke into laughter. "These people, I swear to god. They don't know what the hell a closed door means." Nick started laughing even more, nodding in agreement. "Anyways, where were we?"

haha- cliff hanger... Yea sorry for not posting my brain stopped working halfway through and i started a new book which is also tonick and SO FAR the first tonick vampire book i've seen... Also this book will have 20-30 chapters for all of you wondering. Based on what i want for future chapters it might have more tho

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