Meiko smiled and was about to open her mouth when Miku strutted up to us. "Oh, Kaito?~"

Kaito didn't notice his wife's expression changed, so he responded with, "Yes?"

"Will you pleeeeease do a duet with me?" She asked in a sickly-sweet voice.

"Um, don't the producers already have the song list picked out-"

She put a finger to his mouth to shush him, which made Meiko furious. "They can bend the rules for me."

"Apparently, everyone can," Meiko muttered, and Miku glared at her. But she glared back. "Yeah, you heard me. You need to stop flirting with my husband."

"Oh, I'm so scared," Miku said sarcastically. "What kind of power do you have that I don't, Grandma?"

"Um, the legal bonds of marriage?" Meiko looked at her like she was crazy. "Kaito is much too old for you anyway. Maybe stick with Len, your supposed boyfriend. You're really hurting his feelings, you know."

Kaito spoke up. "I don't think Miku was flirting with me, Mei, she just wants a duet."

"Yes, you're right," Miku smiled up at him. "You can still do your little song with her, too."

Meiko stood open-mouthed. "You actually believe this, Kaito? This is ridiculous!"

Kaito ruffled her hair and chuckled. "There's no need to get jealous, honey. Sometimes you just need to share me with other people for a while. I'll be back soon." He kissed her forehead then Miku grabbed his arm and they walked away.

~Meiko's POV~

I flopped back into my chair. "Why do I let her push me around?" I looked up into the sky and sighed. "And more importantly, why does he have to be such an idiot and believe her?"

"We shouldn't let her take advantage of Kaito anymore, I don't like the way she was looking at him!" I smiled at little Sakine, she was so cute. Even if she was like Miku and had a crush on Kaito, at least she was respectful about it.

"You're right," I stood up confidently. "No more obeying her like a slave! From this point forward, we'll do what we want!"

"Yeah!" Sakine cheered.

The time came for Miku and Kaito to perform the dance for their song. I waited outside the dressing room for Kaito. "Does it look alright, Mei?"

I turned to my husband, my wonderful, handsome, idiotic but sweet husband. "You look great."

I was ready to go in for a kiss when Miku showed up out of nowhere and dragged him to the set, but I saw him wave back to me.

I watched them go through with the complicated choreography. Miku must've really wanted to show off. Teto and the Fanloids oohed and aahed over the fancy dance, but my eyes were trained to look at Kaito and only Kaito.

After filming was wrapped up, it was time for lunch break. Most of the crew members ate out in the hallway or in corners of the room, and Miku usually ate in her dressing room. The rest of us just scattered around, generally Teto, Luka, and the rest of the girls, including Sakine, ate in our dressing room, but today they decided to eat out on the set. Sakine was sitting with me, and Len was off sulking to Rin in the corner.

Kaito had just finished changing and had come to eat with us when Miku walked out. I thought she was going to try and talk to Kaito again but instead she said, "Hey, Meiko, can I talk to you for a second? Alone?"

I'd heard the stories from Luka, and so I knew better than to let myself be alone with Miku. "Whatever you have to say, you can say it here, in front of all of us."

She crossed her arms and smirked. "Alright then, I'll put it simply: I need you to divorce Kaito. Like, as soon as possible."

All three of us stared at her in shock. "Are you out of your mind?" My voice started to rise. "Why would I ever do that? So you could have him?"

"No duh," Miku rolled her eyes and yanked on his arm. "And that isn't a question, it's a command. You will get a divorce so I can have him."

Len overheard and got angry, too. "Miku, what about us? I thought you were my girlfriend!"

"Shut up!" Miku snapped. "This doesn't concern you!"

"Yes it does!" He stalked over. "Last time I checked, we were a couple. You said that you loved me!"

She cackled. "What an idiot! People lie, okay Len? So build a bridge and get over it!"

Len looked like he was about to cry, and Rin finally grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

"M-Meiko?" Kaito was looking at me with fear in his eyes, fear of the little monster that was gripping his arm.

Sakine, Teto, Luka and everyone else were watching so intensely, I wasn't sure they were even breathing.

"No." I said firmly, stepping forward. "You can't have him."

"Playing hard to get, are you?" She leaned in. "Do you know what I could do to you? To your reputation? Do you know what happens to those who don't listen to what I say? I absolutely rip them to shreds, I expose every little fault, I can and will destroy your entire career if you don't let me have him right now."

"I am not afraid of you anymore! Go ahead, expose me, ward off all my fans, turn the entire world against me. But I will never, ever, let you lay a finger on him!"

"Alright, maybe I will." She let go of Kaito and pushed him into me. He was whimpering like a child, saying how he didn't want me to get hurt, but I was more concerned about the deep marks her nails dug into his skin where blood was drawing.

Next to me, I heard a thud and a loud shriek. Everyone looked over at Miku, who was wailing on the ground. "My knee! I can't move my knee!"

"Are you okay?" I asked. I offered her a hand, since I was the closest.

"No!" She pushed my hand away. "This is all your fault since you pushed me over!"

I... pushed her? She was faking? Did she really think an excuse that childish would work?

Apparently it did. "Somebody call 911!" Haku shouted.

Everyone crowded around Miku, and Don came up to me. "Meiko, don't think this will go unnoticed. You and I are going to have a very serious chat later." 

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