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    My teenage hood was the best, yes it had  many downsides for instance I lost my mom at that period but those years were my best. The times I spent with Timi was the best. Ah, Timi. Thinking of him now made me smile.

I remembered how happy I was when he asked me to be his girlfriend, and soon after my dad got married to Rachel. We were happy when we found out Rachel was going have a baby.

After Timi's graduation, Timi started working while I went to school and we spent the weekends together at his house watching movies and making out. I even lost my virginity to him, it felt right and I loved him. Months later Rachel gave birth to a baby girl, my baby sister who was named Jasmine, she was the most beautiful baby I ever saw, she was so small and had curly dark hairs all over her head. I cried when I held her for the first time.

Everything was fine till I finished secondary school.  Timi and I wrote JAMB  that year and we passed, I was so excited to start another chapter of my life but the problem was I wanted to go to Uniben and Timi wanted Unilag. I wanted us together, I begged Timi to make a change of institution to Uniben but he refused. I didn't blame him though  because it had always been his dream to school in the university of  Lagos and I on the other hand had always wanted to study Mass communication in  Uniben. Also Becca also wanted to attend Uniben and I wanted to be close to my best friend.

We decided to have a long distance relationship, we thought it could still work. We got admitted into our respective schools and for the first year we were fine. During the holidays we would see and when we were at school, we talked everything but at the end of my first year, My dad was  transferred to Abuja and we had to move there.

During my second year, little by little we stopped communicating and memories of each other were lost. I thought about him from time to time but I never had the vibe to call him. I kept his number saved hoping he would call but he didn't too. Becca also got admitted a year later.

By when I was in my third year, I had dated three guys and they were all Yoruba and then in my last year I met Dayo. He was very gentle and he was so nice. He was always smiling and he always made me feel loved. He was so much like Timi I guess that was why I loved him. Becca always teased me by saying I only dated Yoruba guys and I used to laugh. Those Yoruba demons always knew how to crawl their way into us girl's heart.

When I finished serving, I was twenty two years old. I decided to start a live in Benin. I was still dating Dayo. I felt he was the one I was going to marry. That year, Daniel got married to his university sweetheart and Juliet was in her third year in university.

I found out I was pregnant and I was so nervous, I just finished school and I wanted to work, also I was scared Dayo wouldn't want the child because we never talked about kids but surprisingly he was happy.  Dayo took full responsibility and proposed to me that week. We had plans to get married in a month time. I was the most excited. I had planned it all out. Jasmine would be my little bride, Jeffrey, ring bearer. Juliet would be the Chief Bridesmaid and then Becca and my other close female friends would be my bridesmaid.

Few days to my wedding, I found out Dayo was cheating on me, I was so devastated. He apologized. He said he didn't love me anymore but he had to take responsibility for the baby that was why he proposed.  I cried my heart out that night.

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