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" Timi! See i don't have all day and you must not miss your flight" I heard my dad shout from the living room. I felt sad, sad that I had to leave now when Anna needed me, when I was in the middle of my exam.

I was on my bed staring at my suitcase behind me. Or should I run? But where will I run to? My inner voice spoke.

I was already ready, I was wearing a black shirt Michael got me for my birthday, I wore a black chinos trouser and my favorite  black leather jacket. I was ready but i couldn't stand up.

I heard footsteps coming hurriedly towards my door and then i stood up. My dad walked into the room with anger painted all over his face "what's making you take long?".

"I'm ready" I whispered. I wish I could tell him no, I wish I could tell him I didn't want to go but I was scared.

I couldn't.

It was a few minutes after ten, and as I kept my luggage in the car booth, my mom came outside and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Omo mi, talk to me".

I didn't say anything, I left her standing there and walked back to my room to get the last of my things. As I went out, my dad trailed behind me.

The sight I met was confusing, my mom was with the man I met with her the other day. She looked worried.

"Leave me alone, where's that your foolish husband?" He asked my mom.

My mom covered her face with her palms and she looked cried she was crying.

"What's happening here? Who are you?". My dad asked furiously.

"See I don't want trouble, I just want my son" the man said.

His son? Who's his son?.

My dad hissed "Mummy Daniella what is this?".

My mom dragged the man by his hands but the man didn't move. He faced me.

" Jamal I'm your father".

He called me by my other name.My father ke? I turned to face my dad, he looked confused as well, I faced my mom and she was crying. "Mummy what's all this?" I was very confused.

I shook my head and walked back into my room, I shut the door and then laid on my bed. I could hear my parents shout downstairs as I zoned out, I closed my eyes and dreamed of a family where everything was right.

I opened my eyed and I came out of my trance. I heard the voices getting nearer. My room door opened and my dad entered

"Oya dide dide dide, at this moment, I want you and your mom out of my house!".

"Where will  we go to?" I asked him.

He laughed" I don't know oh, but I give you guys one hour to leave, thank God you have already packed your things" he shook his head " so for eighteen years I've been training and spending all my money on someone else's child".

He left, leaving just me and my mom.

"Mum what is daddy saying?" I asked.

" see let's leave this house before your dad comes back".

"Where will we go to?".

"I don't know".

"Mom who was that man and why did he say he was father?".

She didn't reply, she just stood at the door. I stared at her for a while and I noticed for the first time time that she had lost weight.

She had new wrinkles on her face and her skin wasn't glowing like before. She looked...sad.

"Or is this just a way to prevent me from leaving Nigeria?"

She shook her head and  started crying again and I couldn't help but feel sad too.

"Then how is he my dad?".

It took thirty minutes to hear the whole story. She had met my real dad a year after she gave birth to Daniella. She said that was when her husband started mistreating her, he was never home and he got mad at her for little reasons.

She said my real dad was the only mam who made her feel loved and special, he treated her well and then they started having an affair for months, she was even ready to divorce her husband for him.

But then when her husband changed and started treating her right, she knew she couldn't continue cheating so she ended the affair. She found out she was already two weeks pregnant. She kept it from everyone except her best friend and when she was three months gone, she told her husband she was pregnant for him.

I couldn't say a word when she ended the story, the only thing on my mind was that my life had been a lie. No wonder he never treated me like a son, he knew in himself that I wasn't really his child.

My mom packed her some of her belongings into a box and we left the house. We decided to temporarily stay at my grandmother's house. Her house was a bit far from ours but by  four pm we arrived at our destination.

I looked round the neighborhood as we walked down the street, the house was almost at the ending of the street. I had not seen my grandmother for months but I really loved her.

She loved me and my sister because we were her only grandchildren since my mom was her only child. When she saw us, she hugged me and I smiled.

"Oko mi" she said.

My mom greeted her and they both spoke in Yoruba language. The house was a three bedroom apartment and my grandma lived alone.

I entered the room i shared with my sister whenever I came visiting, I could still hear them talking downstairs. I didn't really understand Yoruba language but I was very sure she was explaining everything that happened.

I laid on the bed and thought of how my life had changed in twenty four hours. I called Anna,she didn't pick and then I wanted to call Michael but I decided against it, since I would be seeing him on Monday.

Hours later I went to the living room for dinner. We had garden egg sauce and boiled  plantain. I really enjoyed it and for a while I was happy.

For two weeks I didn't see Anna in school, I called and she never picked. I wanted to go to her house but I was so scared, I didn't want to see my dad and I was scared she didn't want to ever see me.

Micheal, Jesse, Angel and Becca came around to see me most times but Anna didn't.

And then that same weekend, she came around. I opened the door and there she was. I found myself smiling like a fool once again.

This chapter is boring😪

Anyways thanks to all my readers for the 3.15k reads...I'm very happy😁

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