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Edited and slightly rewritten



On Saturday, Dozie came to pick me up by eleven am. Thank God my mom was not around. Becca came over to help me pick what to wear and I ended up wearing a black ripped jeans, with singlet and a big neon green hoodie. I left Becca, Daniel and my Juliet at home.

To my surprise, Dozie wore black jeans and a lemon green shirt.

"Are you seriously? Did you purposely wear the same colour with me? "He asked smiling.

I smiled,"Let me change then."

He stopped me."For what? I love it this way." I looked him in the eyes and felt my cheeks heat up. He just had a fresh hair cut which suited him well.

We entered a bike to the cinema which was not too far from my house. We bought two large bowls of popcorn and 1ltr coke with our disposable cups and we sat in the third row when we got in.

It was a sad romantic movie. Where hands touch. A sad romance. I really enjoyed it though but I cried. Also I almost got my first kiss.

Almost. Because I panicked and that brought us out of our trance.

After that, we went to an eatery where we bought snacks and ice cream. When we were done, it was five pm and I knew I needed to go home. I told him that he didn't need to go home with me when he offered because I was sure my mom would be around.

I promised to visit him the next weekend. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before he left. One thing I was sure of was that I didn't like him. I didn't feel the butterflies I felt when I was with Timi. My heart didn't skip a beat and his smile didn't sooth my soul the way Timi's did.

I didn't know why I felt what I felt for Timi. That guy had danger written all over his face. If I gave in to him he'd surely break my heart into pieces.

When I got home, my mom was not back. I was supposed to make dinner but I saw my siblings on the bed sleeping, I slipped into bed and slept off.


"Juliet, the plates in the kitchen will not wash themselves get your lazy ass off that bed immediately, Anna follow her and start boiling the rice I asked you to boil since morning and Daniel go and collect my cloths I gave the dry cleaners!" My mom opened the door and shouted.

"Oooh, don't shout like that now," Daniel hissed and my mom threw a leg of her slippers at him which he dodged.

"Idiot, I'm now your mate." She hissed and pointed at me, "You are not deaf."

I quickly got up and flew downstairs to the kitchen. After dinner, I slept off immediately.

I groaned as I woke up on Sunday morning. My mom woke us up by five am because of church! I made my way into the bathroom and then sat down in the bathtub for almost thirty minutes. I fell asleep. The loud thumping on the bathroom door woke me up. "Anna, are you giving birth there!?" Juliet shouted.

I groaned."what do you want?"

"To bath."

I hissed. "Use your bathroom na."

"Please the water heater broke."

"Ah mummy will kill you."

"It was a mistake."

Along Came TimiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum