CH6: Encountering Dice

Start from the beginning

"A friend, you say?" The officer raises a brow. 

"Yeah, we asked who and they only let out her appearance; A blonde girl with green eyes and white skin-" 

"MYSTIC?!" The parents screamed in unison.

"So, she is with Louie? We will investigate this right away," the officer says, getting up.

"What do we do?" Mystia asks.

"Yeah, what about our daughter? I don't want her hanging around with that guy. We want to come with you!" Pocu demands.

"Mr. Giddens, are you aware that they could be anywhere? We all know this place is huge. He can get away easily. Which is why I'm going to gather half the hive to help search the city. You two, I suggest to wait. Give it another day. I'm sure she'll find her way home, come to her senses to stay away from that cheating roach." 


Down in the depths of the unknown place, Mystic and Louie were still gliding on the giant leaf.

"Hey Lou! Look! I see light!" Mystic points. "It looks like a building. Hold on!" Mystic grabbed the front of the leaf, bending it downwards as the two would softly land on the ground.
"Wow…" She said, amazed by the building before her.

"Gotta hand it to ya, Misty; You're good at landing this thing…" Louie also looked in amazement. "Wow… Wait a minute," he says, squinting up at the building's sign. "The Devil's Casino- Oh no, doll! We need to leave!" Louie was eagered to high tail it out of there with Mystic, grabbing her hand to take her with. 

"Louie?! Why should we leave?" Mystic asked, going along with him.

"Because it ain't safe here! Haven't ya taken a hint or two from the ghost's riddles? We are in literal Hell!! This is bad news! We could very much lose ourselves, worst! We could lose our SOULS!" 

"Louie?" Mystic pulls her hand back. "There is nowhere else to go. This place looks really empty to find any exit. What should we do?"

"I say we stand here and not go inside! I am not encountering anything evil that is lurking within that place!" Louie puts his head up, being stern on his decision.

Mystic heavily thinks on this. She didn't want to get herself into more trouble than she and Louie already are in. She looks at Louie then back at the casino. Her eyes widened, snapping her fingers. 

"I got an idea! Let's go inside and ask for help. I'm sure that would work, right?" 

Louie's antennas rose up. He turns his head, looking at her. "Mystic? There are only two things wrong with that idea. One, the outcome on that will be unfortunate because I doubt sinners like that will help us and two, I SUGGEST WE STAY HERE! NOT MOVE A MUSCLE! Going in there will lead us to our fates!" 

Mystic began to walk, trying to get answers herself. 

"Mystic! Ugh, does this kid listen? Hey! Come back!" Louie sighed, hopping on over towards her. "Don't do it! You're making a mistake!" 

Stepping up at The Devil's Casino, Mystic looked at it more closely now.
The red carpet under them leads to the glass doors with golden door knobs. The Devil character on top of the building had a big, signature and sinister grin as the claws were clutched onto the giant game chips.

"Louie? I have never seen anything so beautiful! The architecture of this place, my dad would be proud of!" 

"Misty, dear, your dad wouldn't be thrilled about what's inside and what you're about to do. I'm telling ya, we step inside there is no coming out-" 

The glass doors open, revealing a tall man in a purple suit with a dice for a head. "Welcome to The Devil's Casino, folks! A place where your dreams rely on a game of luck~" 

"Hi there, Sir. We landed here by mistake. See, we got lost and kinda landed-" Mystic explained.

"My dear, I know why you're here. We were expecting ya to join us- Mystic and Louie~ The name is King Dice."

"How do you know our names?" Mystic asked. 

"The boss knows the residents from the surface world. He has been down in the dumps because he wanted new customers to join here. Same old, same old can get… Repetitive at times. So, what do ya say? Care to play~" He had his hand out, ready for one of them to take it.

Mystic slowly reached for his hand, almost agreeing to Dice's Invitation before she was taken from it by Louie. 
"Your majesty, mind giving us a minute?" 

"Not at all!" Dice replied.

"Listen, Mystic, as a friend, I'm going to be real with you. Do you know that this guy is said to be buddies buddies with The Devil?" 

"I don't know but Louie-"

"And! May I remind you that stepping a foot inside will lead us to our doom?!" 

"Lou! Listen! Can we just ask him for directions? He can help us out of here. I just want to get home and see my parents. I bet they're worried about me." 

"... Fine, just questions, answers and off we go!" 
Louie and Mystic nodded to the idea. Mystic walked up to Dice.

"So, what do you say? Made up your minds?" 

"Actually, King Dice? We just want directions out of here. I need to get home." 

"Awwww, no need to be on the move just yet. Maybe I can give ya a tour inside here?" Dice wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I do have directions however but-" 

"But?" Mystic raised a brow, puzzled.

"However, I don't think it's necessary. There is no way to leave not unless you can win something here~" 

"Mystic, no! It's a scam!" Louie rushed to her. "Think about this…" 

Mystic looked down at Louie before looking up at Dice. "... Your majesty? Is there any other way to get out of here?" 

"Well, if you took the stairways up above… I say it would take ya hours beyond to get up to the Earth. I don't think many have survived due to exhaustion." 

"Uhhhhh… We've made up our minds. We'll do a game. That's that." 

"An excellent choice, my dear! Come on in," King Dice politely opens the doors. "Enjoy your stay here~" 

Louie and Mystic looked at each other. Louie grabbed her hand. "Doll? Let's… Let's hope lady luck is on our side," Louie said in a fearful, not so confident voice. The two walked in, already accepting their fates from step one. 

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