Freddy's, Chapter 18 - Why Is It So Confusing?

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When we got to the stage, Springtrap was already there. He looked nervous, thinking through about what to say.
"Ok, is everyone here?" Spring asks after five minutes.
"I think everyone is." A group of animaltronics said.
"Perfect. Ok. I want everyone to split into five different groups. Uh.... Foxes, bunnies/rabbits, chickens, bears, and humans." Spring started.
"What do you mean by humans?" Berri raised her hand.
"People like you."
"Great. I'm classified as a human." Berri says, annoyed.
"Ok, you have two minutes. Somehow sort yourselves."
"Foxes over here!" I saw an animatronic jump on stage. But not just any animatronic. He was one of the original four. How Berri would have phrased it, my dad, Foxy. I swiftly jump onstage and come over to Foxy.
"Um, hi dad," I say.
"Oh, hi Foxina!" Foxy hugs me. "Call me Foxy. I mean it."
"Ok. Dad!" I say and skip over to Mangala.
"That girl from yesterday was weird." She said.
"She's my friend. And it was quite brave of her to come here, so I appreciate it."
"Oh, hold on. I need to say hi to my father." She lays her hand on me and runs to Funtime Foxy.
I smile. I look over at the human section that was forming and saw Baby talking to Ballora, and Ballorina to Berri. I wave, and Ballorina and Berri wave back.
"Ok, two minutes at up!" Springtrap says. "You all meet up with your leader from your group. Who are if I'm correct the original four."
"What about 'humans'!" The human's section shouts.
"You have your leader!" Ennard shouts over them.
"Oh. Yeah. You." The rest of them say in disappointment.
"Anyways there are some things that need to be discussed. Your leaders know what. Each discussion is going to be different. You have thirty minutes to do whatever you need to do! No go!" Spring said and we all got to work.
"Ok, you all know what the foxes need," Foxy says. "We need to be the best of the best!" He swings his hook and accidentally slices the curtain. "Uh... I'll fix that later." (A/N: XD)
"Are we going to train?" Mangle said.
"Yes, sweets! Yes, we are!" Foxy points his hook at her. "I mean...." He points his metal hand at her "Yes we are!"
"Am I the only one who doesn't know what's going on?" Funtime Foxy asks.
"No, you aren't!" I shout.
"Yeah. The main point of this is that in three weeks, we are going to have a tournament to see who is the best out of the best! There are five groups, and we are going to win first place!"
"Wait, am I understanding this correctly?" Rockstar Foxy starts. "We are competing against other teams against the skills that we have or something?"
"Sorry. I'm too excited I'm not going in order." Foxy takes a deep breath. "Ok. What are foxes good at?"
"We are fast!" I shout.
"We are sneaky!" Mangala shouts.
"We like to attack or prey and then we show it off!" A fox shouts. Everyone starts laughing.
"Yeah, basically all of those," Foxy says. "And what are the other teams good at?"
"Rabbits are great jumpers! Especially the animaltronics!" Someone shouts.
"Chickens can somewhat fly!" Funtime Foxy shouts.
"Humans are humans because they are humans!" The comedian fox shouts and again everyone laughs.
"Um, all of those are good, but not on our level!" Foxy says. "So, as Springtrap the Rabbit, unfortunately, said that by tomorrow we must find four other people from the four different groups," Foxy points with his hook at the four other groups that are discussing something important. "And like I said, by tomorrow everyone should be in a group of five, and there should be at least one animaltronic or animatronic. Did everyone get that or am I getting ahead of myself?"
"I'll survive!" Rockstar Foxy yawned.
"Ok, you are all dismissed. When we meet tomorrow you should be able to tell me what your four other members are."
"Wait, why are we pairing up?" I ask.
"We pair up so that everyone is strong and so your group can win a tournament that's coming up or something. Basically, ask your group the details, I wasn't really paying attention to what that stupid rabbit was saying, yeah, dismissed! I'm going to my pirate cove!" He walks away singing a pirate song and we are all standing in our same spots, confused. Finally, someone broke the silence.
"Ok, I'm out. I'll go find some team members so that they can tell me what the heck is going on." Funtime Foxy said and left. He's a savage at times. Just leaving like that. I walk over to the female animatronic who was really funny earlier. I wanted to meet her. She was white and orange with magenta eyes and makeup. She had a hook on her right hand. She had a fluffy tail and purple bowtie. She was talking to a white green and purple animatronic. That had a purple bowtie as well.
"Hey, sorry, what's your name?" I ask the white and orange animatronic.
"My name is Lolbit," she smiles and shakes my hand.
(A/N: Ei! Lolbit! That's me. Maybe. Yay!!! 😀)
"And I'm Tangle!" She smiles and I shake her hand as well. "I'm Mangle's daughter."
"Yeah, I don't go around saying I'm Funtime Foxy's daughter." Lolbit rolls her eyes.
"I'm Foxy's daughter too. " I smile.
"Yeah, I could tell." Lolbit looks at me. "How does it feel like to be an animaltronic?"
"Normal," I say. "I gotta go, I need to form a group. Bye! Nice meeting you too!" I wave and turn around.
"Bye!" Lolbit And Tangle say.
"Wait, I never got your name!" Tangle calls.
"I didn't give it, but it's Foxina." I run.
"Hey!" I say to Ballorina and Berri. I realize something is off. Ballorina and Berri are on the same team. I had to choose one of them.
"Oh no!" I think. "Who do I choose?"
"I'm already in a group with some others so Ballorina is all yours!" Berri smiles and lifts the strand of hair to show her purple green eyes.
"Thank you, Berri!" I hug her. But If you were on another team we would be together."
"It's fine! Bye!" Berri waves and leaves.
"Do you want to be in my group?" I ask Ballorina.
"Well, what do you think? Of course, I am!" Ballorina straightens her necklace.
"Come on, let's go find some others!" I say.
"But do you have to look for them?" Someone asks behind me. I turn around.
"Springtrap!" I hug him. "Do you want to be with us?"
"Sorry Foxina, I can't. I'm the judge of the competition and can't join a team. Sorry."
"That's ok, now we only need a.... Chicken and a Bear, and a Bunny."
"Why Bon-Bon? Why?" I hear Funtime Freddy complaining. "Everyone either has a bear or a bunny already!"
"But I don't want to separate!" Bon-Bon whines.
"Hey! Funtimes!" Springtrap calls Funtime Freddy.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"Here's your group!" He points to us.
"Yay!" Bon-Bon raises his hands in the air. "Now I don't have to be alone without you!"
"Yeah, now I don't have to walk one-handed." Funtime Freddy says. Then he turns to us. "My name is Funtime Freddy, But you can call me FF. This is my puppet Bon-Bon, but you can call him Bon.
"No, they can't!" Bon-Bon starts smacking FF's arm.
"Yeah, he's annoying."
"FF! How dare you leave the location group!" I hear Funtime Chica shouting.
"I thought you already had a bunny!" FF said.
"Ugh, whatever!" Funtime Chica turns around and walks away.
"You know, you can join them," I say.
"I can't. They only needed me and Bon, but then that would be the whole animatronic group. And they need animaltronics. So I'm stuck with you guys."
"Oh, you have boy to talk to!" Ballorina crosses her hands.
"I'm tired of talking to my hand!" FF says. "I'm also tired of keeping my hand up like this!" He points to his arm. "I just wish I could put it down like this...." he rested his hand down, and Bon-Bon was upside down so he started complaining.
"Hey, this isn't fair! I want to look up the normal way! Not see the world upside down! Life sucks!" He jumps off of FF's hand and walks away from him.
"Oh, wow," FF says.
"Hey, can I join?" I heard a girl ask. I turn around to see Toy Chica.
"It's not that I hated her, but her voice, uh, don't even want to think about it!" I think in my head, and her really annoying voice fills me. "You won't get tired of my voice will you?" Was playing over and over in my head.
"No, anyone but you!" FF shuddered.
"Oh, ok. I will go check if anyone else wants the annoying Toy Chica on their team." She lowers her head and starts to walk away.
"Hey!" Bon-Bon calls her.
"Hum?" TC asks, turning to us.
"You can stay!"
"Yeah, you can stay!" I agree.
"Me three!" Ballorina raises her hand.
"Thank you!" Toy Chica flies over to us. "But first," She says, "You won't get tired of my voice will you?!" She chirps.
"Ugh, that sent shivers down my spine!" FF laughs with a mechanical laugh.
"No, that sends shivers down my spine!" I point out, giggling.
"So Foxy wasn't really listening at the time Springtrap was talking to him so we didn't get much info about the tournament.
"Don't worry! Chica explained everything!" TC smiles.
"I can explain!"

A/N: Sorry that this tournament thing is confusing, but hey, Toy Chica can explain everything in the next Chapter! And also, "YoU wOn'T gEt TiReD oF mY vOiCe WiLl YoU?!" And I really like how I made Ft.Freddy and BonBons character. They are going to be super funny. 😸

It's A Lolbit Show

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