Year 2, Chapter 7 - The Quidditch Match

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When I woke up I was surrounded by too many people, too many. There was the SM, Fred and George, the golden trio, and I could see more people but I couldn't make out their faces. Cinnamon was laying on my chest. I pet her. I feel energized and awake. I got up and I saw my Quidditch team.

"Are you able to play?" Andre Egwu asked.

"Yea, I feel fine!" I say. "When is the Quidditch match?"

"In a couple of hours, do you want to practice?" Andre askes me.

"Yes! That would be good!" I say.

I get into my quidditch uniform. I look at my number. 07. Lucky number seven. I asked Cinnami if she is coming, she said she might. When I was ready, I got together with my team and we went over the plan to get the Hufflepuff down. When it was time for the match, Andre as a keeper and me as a seeker stood in front of the team. The rest stood in the back. We went outside on the field and stood in our formation. The Hufflepuff team in front of us. We flew up on our brooms, me and Hufflepuff seeker as one of the highest. The chasers were below me, and keeper near the three goals.

"On your mark," Madame Hooch said," Get ready, and GO!"

We were off. I waited for the Snitch to be released, then I could be in my own universe of Golden Snitch catching. When it was released, I zoomed after it. The Hufflepuff Seeker, Cedric Diggory, went right after me. He could barely catch up because I had a Nimbus and he had I think it's a cleansweep. I fell upside down on my broom and drove down. Diggory went after me. Thought of the technique I was taught. It was a little risky, but if a seeker is following you, you have to confuse them by pretending to be going after the Snitch, when you aren't and the real Snitch is flying elsewhere. That's what I did. And the Hufflepuff fell for it. At last second I darted after the real Snitch and by standing on my broom, then long-jumping. I caught it as I hit the ground. I heard Lee Jordan talking over a loudspeaker,

"Abyssinian Black has caught the Snitch! Ravenclaw wins!"

I was so excited to hear the wonderful news about me. My team and I cheered for me, and we were up against Gryffindor in four weeks, so we needed to be more prepared than ever.

A/N: Shoot, how do I say this? *Looks at you* Ok. The end of the Chapter. *You take out your knife* *Me, quickly says* The next part is going to be a little longer! And, also. I guess I sort of forgot about quidditch in my later books... So. Welcome to the first and last quidditch match ever. YAY.

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