Year 2, Chapter 1 - Diagon Alley

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    I came to Diagon Alley with my dad, who I took with me like a dog, because my father was becoming "dangerous" to other people. So I went with him to Diagon Alley. Along with my friends of course. I wrote to the Marauders and Fred & George for the whole summer. The Marauders wrote back, and I was excited to have my friends come along with me. When I saw Fred & George, I smiled and waved, but they both turned around and pretended like I wasn't there. I thought something went wrong, so I asked Sherryl, the bravest and most confident in our group, to go talk to them. She came back and said they acted as I wasn't there. Now I knew something was wrong. I shrugged and we got our books and supplies for 2nd year at Hogwarts. I was really excited that this year we will be introduced to a whole lot of cool and beautiful animals in Care of Magical Creatures. Hippogriffs, baby dragons, nifflers, I was so excited! I went with my dog-dad to the Magical Creatures store to buy a dragon egg. We didn't have to get one, it was optional, but I wanted to get it really badly for the Care of Magical Creatures Club. The second I walked into the store, I regretted going in there. I saw Chet Sallmone. He turned to me and smiled.
"Oh hi, Black didn't know you had a dog!" He said. A hint of his sarcasm voice you use when you talk to babies. My dad growled. He wanted to pounce, but since he didn't have a leash, I lightly stepped on his foot, letting him know it was a bad idea.
"Stay back Padfoot," I say strictly as if talking to a dog.
"Padfoot?" Chet said his eyes wide, laughing. "That is what you call your dog? Out of all the different names there are? PADFOOT?"
I pulled out my wand. Not planning to attack. My eyes went from stormy grey to really deep blue. Almost black. I changed my hair black. Dark blue at the tips. My pupils went to slits, like cat eyes. At this point, Chet was really scared. He ran away. I changed back to my original form and got my dragon egg.
"How did you do that?"
My dad asked me when we went to a private area.
"I don't know," I shrugged "I found out yesterday.."
"Ok, it's called, a Metamorphmagus"
"Ok, what is that?"
"You can change your appearance by will"
"Oh, cool."
"I like my dragon egg," I said, trying to change the subject. "it is very cute."
"Ok, agree with you, but Abyssinian, do not do that in public unless you are around friends or you need to protect yourself,"
"Yeah, but I was protecting myself"
"Yes, I know, but just to give you a heads up."
"Ok!" I said, happily. We continue shopping around some stores at Diagon Alley, got some extra supplies like quills, ink, extra textbooks so I can be over top of everything, and more things. When we were done, we looked at the clock and realized it was 10:30 the train would leave in exactly 30 minutes.

A/N: Wow, a new year is here, and Aby found some trouble, that's for sure. This book will be longer for sure, and just to give you a heads up. My friend and I, (not Angel) were writing the book together at the time. Let me tell you what she did to my story, she made herself the main character with me just being no one important, she never gave her character breaks in the story, so constantly action. She gives her character all of the cool things (metamorphmagus, malidictus, rare hair and eyes color, etc.) Her name is Ginger Redwood. So if you see her appearing in the book, it was probably my friend who wrote that. Do not worry, she won't ever appear in any other stories forward. So yeah, just a heads up....
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