Year 3, Chapter 5 - The Golden Trio and Weird Voices

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"What was that sound? Hermione, it wants to kill!" I overheard Harry talking.
"Hello!" Heather and Sherryl suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
"Oh, hi!" I said. "Heather, you should go talk to your brother. I think something is up...."
"Oh my gosh, I'll be right there!" Heather took off. I followed.
"You good Harry?" Heather asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine sis," Harry didn't look fine.
"I know something is wrong bro, I'm your sister, you can tell me anything."
"So, I have been hearing some noises, and they want to kill," Harry said.
"Strange, me too...," Heather muttered under her breath. But she said, "It's ok, it can just be a prank. Who knows what the twins are up to."
"No, it can't be a prank."
"I don't think it is either," Hermione spoke up. "Ron, Harry and I were walking, and suddenly Harry hears this voice, and no matter how hard I try, I can't hear it, and the voice is ringing in his ears, Heather, I don't think it can be."
"Aby, fall back into the past, you know where," Heather said, not looking at me. She was deep in thoughts too. I did know where to go. I closed my eyes and walked in my Mind Palace, and dug in the piles of paper. Until finally,
"Found it!" I jumped. It looks weird from another perspective. If I step in my Mind Palace, I step in the real world. If I am reading a paper in my Mind Palace, it looks like I am reading from an invisible paper. Anyways, I heard Heather and Harry say,
"Oh, good, read it!"
"Heather come on, I want to eat!" I say.
"Don't you always?" Heather says and continues walking, almost like she is glued to the wall, listening. "Just give me a second!"
"What is so interesting about a wall Heath?" Maria says.
"The wall can't be talking, is there something behind it?" Heather kicks the wall with her shoes.
"What do you mean?" Sherryl says.
"I don't hear anything," I say.
"Me neither," Waremoon says.
"It wants to kill though, we can't just ignore it!" Heather says.
"Stripear, I think you are as hungry as me to the point that you are imagining things, now come on," I say.
"NO ABY, I AM NOT IMAGINING THINGS!" Heather suddenly shouts. Though she is the fightsie girl in our group, she almost never yells, so this must be something important.
"Fine," I take a deep breath. When someone yells at me, I normally yell back, but you can't just do that to your friends, so I say, "What do you hear?"
"Kill, need to kill, murder, kill them all, this is the last of them, ever. All will be gone...." Heather starts repeating what the thing behind the wall is saying.
"My best explanation is a recording." Mary scratches her head.
No, it isn't...." Heather faintly says. The memory starts to fade away,
Memory Ends
I open my eyes and see Heather and Harry staring at me.
"How did she-" Harry started to say but was cut off by his sister.
"Explain later."
"Oh, I forgot! I need to go!" I say. I forgot Fred wanted to meet me at the Forbidden Forest, and I forgot! Well, wasn't thinking about it at the moment. Hehe, I don't forget. I rush down to the Forbidden Forest.

A/N: (The following scene has spoilers, do not read unless you're ok with the book being spoiled)
Me: No Aby! Don't run to the forbidden forest! I know what will happen to you!
Aby: But Lolbit! I want to see Fred!
Me: You have Springtrap!
Aby: Who's that?
Me: Listen, he'll be the love of your life, it will be romantic.
Aby: So how do I get him?
Me: You go to the forbidden forest...
Aby: ... -__-
Me: Ok, just forget I said anything!

It's A Lolbit Show!

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