Year 2, Chapter 9 - Maria Ware Lupin

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A few months later, as Sherryl said, she was able to turn into an Animagus. This was an exciting moment for everyone, even Mary was excited. Probably got over the fact she wasn't able to turn. Anyway, Sherryl was able to turn into a guinea pig. A small animal. Like her father. She looked adorable and useful to hide in small places. Like she would win 1st place if the school did hide-and-seek. In celebration, we walked around the castle, near the lake, and we got to the Whomping Willow. Just the four of us.
"I know an entrance," Mary said.
"Where?" I asked.
"The Shrieking Shack!"
"It's in the tree?"
"Yeah, there is a knot that calms it down. Over there."
"I'll get it!" Sherryl said and dived in her Animagus form.
She got the knot, and the tree became still, like the average tree you see outside your window, but, big.
"Over here!" Mary dived in a little opening under the tree. We followed.
There were steps leading down, and there it was! The Shrieking Shack!
"Cool! How did you know about this!" Heather asked.
"My father told me, and if I ever needed to take cover during a war, this would do. But that I was little when my dad told me about it. Now I could take on a dangerous creature or something."
In the Shack, it was all neat. There was a dark wood flooring, a red carpet covering the area, and there was a bed. It looked like a Hogwarts bed. But it had green, red, blue, and yellow blankets and scarf-like things in the corners as a decoration. Next to a bed was a drawer. It was made of dark wood. It looked really fancy, and there was a key to open the drawer, but Maria said she didn't know where it is. There was also a closet, it had a lot of things in it, according to Mary passed from generation to generation. There were windows, but they were fake. It showed what the place looked like from outside. We sat there in the Shack for a while and next time I looked out the window I saw nighttime! We missed dinner, and probably it's lights out right now. We would have to sneak in when it's morning and everyone is at breakfast. I heard a howl. We were at the edge of the forbidden forest, but then when I went through Myrtle's song and the howl before that. I honestly thought she was being Myrtle, but she was giving me a hint.
You are a Ravenclaw
And you are smart,
See if you figure
This one out!
Myrtle's voice rang inside my head in a slow, ghost-ish paste. I had to act fast, but before I jumped to conclusions, I needed to get evidence. I am safe, she won't attack if I turn into my wolf. I needed to act fast, so I said,
"It is getting freaky in here, can we go to the castle?"
"Yeah, let's go!" Heather and Sherryl supported me.
"I-I'll stay," Maria said. "I don't want to get caught, you guys go.
"Come on, it won't hurt!" Heather, Sherryl and I said.
"No! It-it-it's fine," Mary studders.
"I have my brother's invisibility cloak!" Heather said.
"Now we won't get caught!" Sherryl said.
"Yeah, let's go, we can put it on once we enter school grounds," I say. I go to the window to check. "Yes, come on, now is a good time!"
We all go outside and Mary suddenly looks scared.
"You guys go... I'll catch up,"
"No, come on-" I get cut off by Mary.
"Then run, run as you have never before, run and never look back,"
"Why?" I ask.
Mary gave me a small smile. "You already know...."
"What do yo-"
"NOW GO!!!" Maria said. Her voice went into triples, like three Mary's talking at once, and having a slight wolfish growl in her voice.
"You go I stay!" I yelled at Sherryl and Heather.
"What's going on?" They shot back at me.
"You were warned...." Said Mary in her same creepy voice and winked before turning into a vicious Werewolf.
"ANIMAGUS FORM NOW!!!" I scream-ordered.
We all turned into our animagus forms. I was a wolf, Heather was a jungle cat, and Sherryl turned into a guinea pig. Mary somewhat calmed down, she wasn't like an actual werewolf, she was.... Different in a way. She was small, she had a smooth black coat of fur, and the only thing that didn't look pretty was the scar on her face. It seemed like someone wanted to attack her, but failed, leaving a faint scar on her. Her eyes were yellow, and she looked just like Maria in a way. She had a faint scar that I never noticed before on her face in her human form, she had a hint of yellowish color in her grey eyes, and she had grey and black stripes in her blonde hair. I realized she didn't mean any harm, and she didn't mean to hurt anyone of us. I acted like a wolf. A baby wolf. I played with my tail and rolled on my back, and I did some things a pup would do. Eventually, Mary trotted over and we played together. Heather and Sherryl got what I was doing, and joined us as well. I walked over to the Shrieking Shack and rolled into the tree trunk. Mary followed and so did Heather and Sherryl. The two realized what I was doing and hurried Mary in.
"Maria?" I asked her in my animagus voice.
"Maria Ware Lupin!" Heather and Sherryl sang. They were playing with each other.
Maria howled at a low tone. It sounded almost like a whimper.
It took seconds until Maria finally found the way to speak to us "I'm sorry," she howled. She started crying. Tears came down her beautiful black fur. I hugged her.
"It's ok," I said.
"Group hug!" Heather and Sherryl joined in on the hug.
I ignored the words in the back of my head. Singing.
You're a brave Ravenclaw,
You were smart,
You have figured this one out!
But wait for your next riddle, Abyssinian
I'm not done with you,
Gin is all I'm telling you....

A/N: DuN DuN DuUuUuNnNn!!!!! So, Mary is a werewolf. You probably figured that out already, but I'm not Conan Doyle. I don't write detectives as well as him. NO ONE EVER WILL!!! And now we have a riddle about Ginger. (Trust me I didn't write that riddle the girl who wrote Gin in did. I'm not a part of this)

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