Year 1, Chapter 7 - The End Of The Year

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It was nearing the end of the year, but I still kept practicing until the last day. I called the Secondary Marauders with Fred and George over. I took the form of my animagus, a black wolf. I had the same eyes, stormy blue. I had my same catwalk, that gave me away, but I turned back to my human form, still on my fours, then I quickly got up and said:
"Well, what do you think?"
"So cool!" Everyone said in unison.
"Wait, but I thought you were a cat person..." The twins said.
"A witch nor wizard chooses their animagus form," I told them.
"I don't know, I think it's cool," Heather said, supporting me.
"Aren't we going to be late for dinner?" Maria asked?
"Yes we are we need to get going, we don't want to be late," I said.
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
The six of us got in our seats just in time. Professor Dumbledore said a couple of words and awarded a couple points to outstanding students. He gave me 10 points for being on top of all my work and turning assignments in on time. In the end, Slytherin won the house cup, with Ravenclaw being in second place, Gryffindor in 3rd, and Hufflepuff in last. The Hufflepuffs were angry, but other teams started calming them down, and in the end, everyone was happy.
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
On the way home, the six of us sat together, talking. We had a lot of fun and it was all very nice. I changed into my regular clothes- skinny jeans and a white wool sweater. When we were almost at the platform, Fred called me over.
"Do you promise to write?" He said.
"Fred you know I don't have an owl!" I answered.
"Your dad does..."
"Ok, I promise,"
"Pinkie promise?" Fred raises his eyebrows.
"You are so childish sometimes." I roll my eyes and secure the pinky promise.
When we got on platform 9¾, Fred pulled me over, again, and when no one was watching, he planted a soft kiss on my cheek before we had to go.
"See you in 2nd year..." He whispered and left.
I smiled, It was a fun year. The Marauders called me over, we all went to our parents, they were with each other. We all slammed our brakes and stood there, my dad saw me and nudged his old friends. They turned and smiled at us. We flew over to our dads and hugged them. I hugged my dad the most. I loved him. A lot.
"I heard you got sorted into Ravenclaw," He said.
"All of us did, dad," I told him."But my other two friends got sorted into Gryffindor."
"And who are they?"
I smiled, "Fred and George Weasley"
"Oh god, not this again," My father said. "Ok, what did you do?"
"We only pulled a prank on Slytherin because of they were cheating!"
"Slytherin? Ok, if it's Slytherin fair enough."
We walked to our house. Well, we rode my dad's motorcycle. When we got home I said:
"Hey, um, dad?"
"Yea?" My father answered.
"Come look!" I had an excited smile on my face.
We went into an empty room in the house.
"Stay here," I said and took a couple steps away from him.
Then I took a deep breath and turned into my animagus form.

A/N: Wow! The year flew by fast! I wrote this book in November 14, and started it at 10:19 am. Wow. I sort of expected the book to be longer. Hehe. Check out my next book called "Abyssinian Black Book 2" So, because I'm nice, I'll show you the very beginning on my second book. Enjoy the last sentences!

I came to Diagon Alley with my dad, who I took with me like a dog, because my father was becoming "dangerous" to other people. So I went with him to Diagon Alley. Along with my friends of course. I wrote to the Marauders and Fred & George for the whole summer. The Marauders wrote back, and I was excited to have my friends come along with me. When I saw Fred & George, I smiled and waved, but they both turned around and pretended like I wasn't there. I thought something went wrong, so I asked Sherryl, the bravest and most confident in our group, to go talk to them. She came back and said they acted as I wasn't there. Now I knew something was wrong. I shrugged and we got our books and supplies for 2nd year at Hogwarts. I was really excited that this year we will be introduced to a whole lot of cool and beautiful animals in Care of Magical Creatures. Hippogriffs, baby dragons, nifflers, I was so excited! I went with my dog-dad to the Magical Creatures store to buy a dragon egg. We didn't have to get one, it was optional, but I wanted to get it really badly for the Care of Magical Creatures Club. The second I walked into the store, I regretted going in there. I saw Chet Sallmone. He turned to me and smiled.
"Oh hi, Black didn't know you had a dog!" He said. A hint of his sarcasm voice you use when you talk to babies. My dad growled. He wanted to pounce, but since he didn't have a leash, I lightly stepped on his foot, letting him know it was a bad idea.
"Stay back Padfoot," I say strictly as if talking to a dog.
"Padfoot?" Chet said his eyes wide, laughing. "That is what you call your dog? Out of all the different names there are? PADFOOT?"
I pulled out my wand. Not planning to attack. My eyes went from stormy grey to really deep blue. Almost black. I changed my hair black. Dark blue at the tips. My pupils went to slits, like cat eyes. At this point, Chet was really scared. He ran away. I changed back to my original form and got my dragon egg.

It's A Lolbit Show

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