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They arrived wanting some answers. I pulled out my weapon and aimed it at Weiss' head.

They were shocked. I hate it, she hurt Blake and I'm pissed off. Luckily they forgot their weapon, I used my semblance. They looked at me telling me to stop and asked why I'm doing this.

Y/n: I heard that you said some mean things to us faunas like the garbage we took out(CRDL). To make it worst, it was my sister you discriminated. She's your friend and team mate..

Ruby:S-She wasn't discriminating Blake, it w-was the white fang and the faunas..

Y/n:I guess, I'll beat you up less now.

Weiss:I'm was right. See our situation, a faunas or a white fang member aiming a weap-

Y/n:You don't get it do you?! We're in this stupid situation because of you! Not all faunas are bad, the white fang only became violent because of this discrimination, until we couldn't take it anymore. Try being a faunas! What will you feel if you're being discriminated?


Y/n:I thought you were smart, that you'll understand, I was so damn wrong about you. Ruby and Yang, I'm sorry.

I removed my weapon, I began to cry a little. I'm leaving, I need to find Blake.

Y/n:I'm going out to find Blake. Weiss... I'm so disappointed in you.


Ruby POV

He left, we rested for awhile and got up. Weiss really feels bad-

We heard a crunching sound. We saw Eybi sitting on a branch of a tree eating some snacks, We asked him if he was there the whole time. He said yes.

Yang:Wait, you didn't even tried him when he pointed his weapon at Weiss?

Eybi:I know he wouldn't do that, shooting her, plus I was enjoying the show. You should learn from your mistakes Weiss, don't forget humans can also be bad but not all of us, the same goes to the faunus. And one last thing Oreo's weapon wasn't even loaded so I didn't worry.

Weiss understand's what Eybi said, I hope she learned her lesson. We'll rest for today and search for her tomorrow.

Neo and Oreo(Panda Faunus Reader X RWBY (Neo)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora