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Blake POV

I managed to find us a place to stay. I hope Oreo finishes our Transcript. I went back to the computer shop and see him sleeping and some kids drawing on his face.

As I was approaching to Oreo the kids ran away. I woke him up.

Blake:Oreo, wake up.

He wakes up.

Oreo:Hey, Blake.

Blake:You should be more careful. We're in a new place, check your wallet is it still there?

He checks and gives me a thumbs up. We head back and bought some supplies.

Blake:I'll take this room and you'll take the other one.

Oreo:Sure, we just need to survive a week before Beacon Academy starts.

Blake:How hard will that be?

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Neo eating a bucket of Neopolitan)


Few days have passed....

Y/n:In terms of Lien, we don't have Lien...
*Despicable me

Blake:I know....

Y/n: Don't worry, school starts in 3 days....

Blake:I know but we haven't ate for a day now..

Y/n:I'll just take a midnight stroll. I hope it gets my mind off in food.

Blake: Okay, I'll just read a book and maybe fall asleep...

I'm walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams.
*Green day-Boulevard of broken dreams.

I was just walking by until I heard the glass shattered beside me and a guy flew out O_O

I pulled out my weapon. I saw a girl with a giant scythe.

*Don't forget to vote and comment!

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