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*After the trailer of Blake.

We left Adam.


Y/n:BYE ADAM! It's not her, it's you!

Blake then cuts it off.

Y/n:Soo where to now?

Blake:I don't know yet..

Y/n:There's no turning back now. Do you want to try Beacon Academy? I want to become a Huntsman like my parents...

Blake:Sure, we can try it.

Blake pats my back.

Blake: Don't worry, everything will be fine. I'm sure if your parents still alive they'll be happy.

Y/n:Thanks Blake.

We arrived at Vale and went to a computer shop.

Y/n:I'll just make us some fake transcript. It's easy don't worry about it-

We saw a blonde dude stressing over.

Blake: I'll just find us a place to stay in.

Y/n:Sure, just visit me here when you found one.

Blake nodded and left. I approached the Blonde dude.


???:Oh, H-Hi

Y/n:What you doing?

I leaned over and saw he was making fake transcript as well. I laughed because you can tell it's actually fake.

???:Please, don't tell anyone.

Y/n: Don't worry I'm making a fake transcript as well. Do you need some help?

???:S-Sure, name's Jaune Arc by the way. Short, sweet, rolls out the tongue and the ladies love it.

Y/n:Do they?

Jaune:They will, well I hope they will. I mean my mom alw- ah nevermind.

Y/n: I'll make us some fake transcript and you'll pay? Deal?


Y/n:Cool, just call me Oreo.

I began making us some fake transcript.

After some hours I finished. We said our goodbyes and he left meanwhile I'm waiting here for Blake like a child.

Neo and Oreo(Panda Faunus Reader X RWBY (Neo)Where stories live. Discover now