The Babies Are Comimg

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Cordelia and Daniel pulled up into the parking lot of the hospital. After Daniel parked the car he carried Cordelia into the hospital.

Daniel "I will go check you in and then I will be back."

Cordelia "Alright."

Daniel walked up to the front desk so that he could check Cordelia in.

Assistant "Hello how may I help you?"

Daniel "I am here to check my wife in."

Assistant "What is your wife's name?"

Daniel "Her name is Cordelia."

Assistant "What are you checking her in for?"

Daniel "My wife is having the babies."

Assistant "Alright the nurse will be out shortly to get you and your wife."

Daniel "Alright thank you."

Assistant "Your welcome."

Daniel went back over to sit with Cordelia and wait for the nurse to come and get them.

5 minutes later.

Nurse "Cordelia."

Daniel "Come on love let's go in."

Cordelia "Alright I am coming."

Daniel and Cordelia followed the nurse to the room. When they got to the room Cordelia got up on the bed.

Nurse "The doctor will be right in."

Cordelia "Alright, thank you!"

Nurse "Your welcome."

The nurse leaves the room and not much longer the doctor comes into the room.

Doctor "How is everyone."

Cordelia "I am good. I am ready to have the babies though."

Doctor "I bet. Well then go change into the hospital gown and then we will get everything situated."

Cordelia "Alright Doctor."

Cordelia changed into the hospital gown and got back up on the bed.

Doctor "Alright are you ready to have these babies?"

Cordelia "Yes I am very ready."

Doctor "Good then we will get started."

4 hours later

Doctor "One more push."

Cordelia "Ahhhhhh"

Babies "Waaaawaaa"

Doctor "Congratulations you have a healthy baby boy, and a healthy baby girl."

Daniel "I am so proud of you Cordelia."

Cordelia "Can I hold them?"

Doctor "Of course."

The doctor handed Cordelia the twins so that she could hold them.

Cordelia "They are so cute."

Daniel "Yes they are."

Doctor "What are you going to name them?"

Cordelia "Their names are Alexander and Adeline."

Doctor "What great names. I will leave you two alone with them for now."

Cordelia "Alright thank you."

The doctor leaves Cordelia and Daniel with the twins.

Daniel "They are so cute!"

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