Baby Names

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Cordelia and Daniel where sitting in the the living room reading. Cordelia was reading her book, and Daniel was reading the newspaper.

Cordelia "I have bin thinking that we should probably pick out a name for the babies."

Daniel "How are we going to do that? We do not even know if their boys girls or a boy and girl."

Cordelia "I was thinking that I could pick out some girl names, and you can pick out some boy names that you like."

Daniel "Sounds good to me."

Cordelia "Great I will go over to the library and pick out some books on baby names."

Daniel "Alright love."

Cordelia headed out to go to the library while Daniel stayed home.

Library person "Hello, how may I help you today?"

Cordelia "Do you have any books on baby names?"

Library person "Yes we do. They are in isle 6."

Cordelia "Thank you very much!"

Library person "Your welcome."

Cordelia headed down isle 6 to look for books on baby names. Fifteen minutes later Cordelia had two books on boy names, and two books on girl names. She brought them to the library person so she could sign them out, and then she headed home.

5 minutes later

Cordelia "I am home."

Daniel "How did it go at the library?"

Cordelia "It went great! I got to books on boy names, and two books on girl names."

Daniel "Alright now how do you want to do this?"

Cordelia "I think you should look for boy names that you like, and I will look for girl names that I like."

Daniel "Sounds good love."

Daniel sat down and looked for boy names, and Cordelia sat down and looked for girl names.

One hour later

Cordelia and Daniel looked through both the books they had and had wrote names down on a piece of paper that they liked.

Cordelia "I am done."

Daniel "I am done as well."

Cordelia "Alright lets read the names that we found and that we liked. You can go first."

Daniel "Alright, the names that I liked are Adrian, Alexander, Asher, Benjamin, Desmond, Felix, Leon, Levon, Maxwell, Noah, Samuel, Sebastian, Wesley, and Charles."

Cordelia "Those are all great names!"

Daniel " What are the names you liked?"

Cordelia "The names I found and that I liked are Adelaide, Adeline, Alice, Amelia, Beatrice, Caroline, Celeste, Emmeline, Felicity, Leona, Mabel, and Serena."

Daniel "Those are all beautiful names!"

Cordelia "It is going to be hard to pick which names we like the best when the babies come."

Daniel "It will be, but we still have time left to decide."

Cordelia "Not much time."

Daniel "Whatever names they end up with will be perfect."

Cordelia "It will be."

What do you think Daniel and Cordelia will name the twins? Please comment your favorite names that you liked. Thank you Multi_story_squad for all the nice comments on my other chapters in this book!😊

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