April 14, 1912

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It was a cold April night on April 14, 1912, and Cordelia was in her room with her mother Elizabeth, and her father Patrick. Cordelia and her father were fighting, like always.

Cordelia "Father I do not want to get married!"

Patrick "It is not a question Cordelia, it is a order!"

Cordelia "I am only sixteen Father!"

Elizabeth "She is only sixteen Patrick, maybe we should wait a couple years."

Patrick "Stay out of this Elizabeth!"

Then all of a sudden the ship shook from it hitting the iceberg!

Cordelia "What was that mother?"

Elizabeth "I do not know dear."

Cordelia "let us go ask one of the crew members what it was."

Elizabeth " Good idea, come on Patrick."

Cordelia and her parents walked up to the decks to ask one of the crew members what had happened.

Elizabeth "Excuse me sir do you know what that shaking was of the ship?"

Crew member "I shouldn't tell you this but I am. We hit a iceberg and the ship might sink!"

Elizabeth "Ok thank you very much sir!"

Patrick "That's crazy! This ship is unsinkable!"

Cordelia "Father maybe we should stay up here just to be sure."

Patrick "I'm heading back down to our room, you can stay up here."

Elizabeth "Ok dear, we'll be down their soon.

A little while after Captain Smith came out and started to put women and children into the lifeboats.

Elizabeth "Come on dear let's get into the lifeboats."

Cordelia "But Mother, what about Father?"

Elizabeth "Your Father will find his way to one of the lifeboats."

Cordelia and her mother got into the lifeboat, and the lifeboat got lowered down.
As Cordelia and her mother sat in the lifeboat Cordelia wondered if she would ever see her father again.
The Titanic sank to the bottom of the ocean, and a couple of hours later the rescue ship the Carpathia came to rescue the survivors.
When Cordelia and her mother got onto the Carpathia looked around for her father, but he wasn't their.

Cordelia "Oh Mother why did Father not make it?"

Elizabeth "I don't know dear."

The Carpathia arrived in New York. Their were tearful reunions, and tearful heartbreak as the survivors of the Titanic came off the Carpathia.

This is my first story I hope you like it! 😊

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