Wedding Day!

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Elizabeth "Cordelia honey it's time to get ready for the wedding."

Cordelia "Ok Mother, I am coming."

Elizabeth "Are you excited for your wedding?"

Cordelia "Yes, but I am also nervous."

Elizabeth "That's normal. I was excited and nervous on my wedding day to."

Cordelia "Ok, now let's go before Daniel gets back home."

Elizabeth "Good idea dear."

Elizabeth and Cordelia go to get ready for the wedding. Cordelia gets her wedding dress out and everything ready.

Elizabeth "Put on your wedding dress now that Daniel is here."

Cordelia "Ok Mother, can you help me put it on?"

Elizabeth "Sure dear."

Elizabeth helps Cordelia put her wedding dress on.

Elizabeth "You look beautiful darling!"

Cordelia "Thank you Mother!"

Elizabeth "Your Father would be so proud of you."

Cordelia "I wish he could be here to walk me down the isle."

Elizabeth "I know you do."

Elizabeth peeked out the door to see if everyone was ready and then closed the door.

Elizabeth "its time dear."

Cordelia "Ok I'm ready."

Elizabeth walked Cordelia down the isle and up to were Daniel was standing waiting for her.

Priest "May I begin with the wedding now that everyone is ready?"

Everyone "Yes!"

Thirty minutes later

Priest "Do you Daniel take Cordelia to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Daniel "I do with all my heart!"

Priest "Do you Cordelia take Daniel to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Cordelia "I do with all my heart!"

Priest "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Daniel took Cordelia into his arms and kissed her.

Daniel "Ok now it's time for cake everyone!"

Cordelia and Daniel cut the cake together. Daniel took a fork full of cake and fed it to Cordelia and she did the same to Daniel. Cordelia and Daniel danced with everyone. It was time for everyone to go home now that the wedding was over.

Cordelia "It feels good to be home."

Daniel "Yes it does dear."

Cordelia "Good night dear."

Daniel "Sleep well honey."

Cordelia and Daniel went to bed

I hope you liked chapter six. This is my first story so sorry if it isn't very good yet it will get better trust me.

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