Happy Birthday

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It has been a week since Cordelia and Daniel found out they were going to have twins. Tomorrow is Cordelia's birthday and Daniel wants it to be great!

Daniel "Hello Elizabeth I was wondering if we could meet to discuss Cordelia's birthday tomorrow."

Elizabeth "Yes we can, how about we meet in twenty minutes."

Daniel "Alright that is ok with me"

Elizabeth "Alright I will see you then."

Daniel hangs up the phone and gets ready to leave so he can meet Elizabeth.

Daniel "I have to go dear, I will see you later."

Cordelia "Where are you going?"

Daniel "I have to go meet one of my friends, I will be back later."

Cordelia "Alright, Bye dear."

Daniel leaves to go meet Elizabeth, and when he gets there she is already their.

Elizabeth "Hello Daniel."

Daniel "Hello Elizabeth, how are you?"

Elizabeth "I am doing fine, thank you for asking."

Daniel "Not a problem."

Elizabeth "What were you thinking we could do for Cordelia's birthday?"

Daniel "I was thinking we could go to a play, and after the play we could all go out to Cordelia's favorite restaurant."

Elizabeth "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

Daniel "Thank you."

Elizabeth "Is this going to be a surprise or not a surprise?"

Daniel "I was thinking it could be a surprise."

Elizabeth "Good idea."

Elizabeth and Daniel talked more about planning for Cordelia's birthday that is in a couple of days.

Daniel "I should be heading home soon I promised Cordelia I would not be long."

Elizabeth "Ok bye Daniel."

Daniel heads back home to find Cordelia asleep on the couch. He decides to wake her and ask her about her day.

Daniel "Good morning dear, how was your day?"

Cordelia "My day was ok, how was your day?"

Daniel "It was good."

Cordelia "Alright, I am going to go make dinner."

Daniel "Alright sweet heart."

Cordelia goes into the kitchen to make dinner while Daniel helps to set up the table. A couple of minutes later they sat down and ate dinner.

Daniel "Are you excited for your birthday?"

Cordelia "Not really."

Daniel "Why are you not excited?"

Cordelia "With everything going on I just am not myself."

Daniel "That is ok dear, I hope you feel a little better tomorrow."

After Cordelia and Daniel cleaned up dinner Cordelia went upstairs and went to bed, and shortly after Daniel went up to bed to.

Five days later.

Daniel "Good morning love."

Cordelia "Good morning."

Daniel "Happy birthday, I hope your excited."

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