Wedding Dresses

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Cordelia "Daniel I must go now I will see you later."

Daniel "Ok, love you sweetheart!"

Cordelia left to go meet her mother at the wedding dress store.

Elizabeth "Oh good your here."

Cordelia "Of course I am Mother."

Elizabeth "I picked a dress out for you to try on."

Cordelia "Ok, I will go try it on."

Cordelia picked up the dress her mother picked out for her, it was red. She put the wedding dress on.

Elizabeth "Come out so I can see it."

Cordelia "Ok Mother."

Elizabeth "I like that one

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Elizabeth "I like that one."

Cordelia "I don't really like it."

Elizabeth "Try on the other dress I chose for you."

Cordelia "Ok."

The next one was a mint green color.

The next one was a mint green color

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Cordelia put it on and walked out.

Elizabeth "I like that one to."

Cordelia "This one is a little itchy, I am going to try on the next one."

Elizabeth "Ok."

The next one was a blush pink. Cordelia put it on and walked out.

Elizabeth "That one is to pale I don't like it as much

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Elizabeth "That one is to pale I don't like it as much."

Cordelia "I kinda Like it, but I want to try on the others."

Elizabeth "Ok dear."

The next one was a light blue. Elizabeth put it on and walked out to show her mother.

 Elizabeth put it on and walked out to show her mother

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Elizabeth "That one is very pretty on you Cordelia!"

Cordelia "Thank you Mother, But I don't like the style of it."

Elizabeth "Ok, then go try on the other one."

Cordelia "Ok."

The next one was plain white. Cordelia put it on and showed her Mother.

 Cordelia put it on and showed her Mother

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Cordelia "I really like this one!"

Elizabeth "I like that one to!"

Cordelia "I want to get this one."

Elizabeth "Ok I will get that one for you."

Cordelia "Thank you Mother!"

Elizabeth "Your welcome!"

Cordelia went home and told Daniel all about wedding dress shopping.

I hope you liked chapter four.

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