"Unnie!" The ignorant soul chimed like usual.

"Ah, Millie, can you please do me a favour?" Sri sweetly asked the little one. Millie nodded. She gave her Taehyung's mobile which she was coincidentally carrying then.

"Take a picture of those two men...", she pointed at Jeongwoo's car, "...and the car number. Do it secretly, no one should know."

"I am on it!" Jeongwoo would certainly not suspect a child. Even if he did, he couldn't do anything in a place full of people.


"You are kidding me, right?!" Taehyung broke into laughter. He couldn't believe his wife went that far. His chest swelled up in pride.

"I am deadly serious and I have a plan......" She whispered something in his ear.


"You're a genius! But it has risk, are you sure you want to do this?" Taehyung hesitated. He wasn't getting a good feeling about what she had suggested.

"This is our only chance, Tae. We can get back our house!" Sri assured.

"But I am worried. Why don't I go instead?"

"No. I'll be fine. I promise." She took his hand, "No one can separate us. And I will never forgive the man who has made my husband suffer." Taehyung was still a bit hesitant, but he trusted his wife. He tightened his grip and leaned in for a kiss. Sri responded him instantly.

The kiss soon became heated. He removed the disturbing strands of hair from her face and deepened the kiss. His tongue shamelessly roamed around her mouth as some moans escaped her lips. Tae could make love to her for eternity and still couldn't not get enough.

Sri felt irritated when her husband suddenly broke off the kiss. "What happened?"

The next moment she knew Taehyung jumped upon her and took her lips once again, his shirt thrown at some corner of the room. His magical hands worked on her bare body underneath the blouse and in no time her fabric joined Taehyung's on floor.

The next few minutes were filled with moans and heavy breaths.


It was 10pm. Taehyung still hadn't returned from café. Sri was worried. She began 0acing all around the house until she decided to head there.

The road was dark and isolated. The atmosphere was cold and creepy. Some cars sped by her. She clutched her coat tightly to warm up her slightly shivering body.

Suddenly she collided with someone. She was about to fall but he held her in position by holding back her waist. His breath was familiar. He stunk of alcohol. She felt her mouth dry at their unexpected encounter.

"J-Jeongwoo?" Voicing out his name made her nauseous. She cautiously stepped away from him.

"So, we meet again, baby girl? Where is your dear husssband? Did he ditch you in the middle of the road? Never mind, I am always there for yoooou." Jeongwoo was slurring in his speech. He spread his hands in a welcoming gesture.

"Mind your words Jeongwoo! Now if you may excuse me, I need to go. Leave my way." She tried to walk away. She was unprepared and didn't want to challenge the monster. Her breath hitched when Jeongwoo held back her wrist. His grip was strong and painful. She struggled to get free.

"C'mon, let's finish what we had left undone that night. I still haven't given up on you, you know?" he sounded scary as well as psychotic.

"LET GO!" her voice faded in Jeongwoo's next action.


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kekekke! Cliffhanger? I'm so evil. 😈😈..

wait.... BTS NEW SINGLE?!! Can't wait for 21 Aug.

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