Fuck out

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I got off the stage as fast as I could and we ran out the club. "What the fuck" Logan screamed. "He's just killing anyone" Will said looking like he was going to throw up. My head is spinning. "We need to get out of here" Zoe said. I'm so dizzy. "Will" I said. I got no response. "Will" I said again. No response. I looked over to see Will looking at me and talking but I couldn't hear him. I'm so dizzy. "Logan Logan I'm about to pass out" I said. That was the last thing I remembered.

Logan's POV
"Lola" I yelled as I jumped to catch her. "Lola" Will said. "She blacked out we need to get back to the house" Zoe said. Will came over as quick as he could. "Lola" he said while touching her face. The concern on his face and the way he looked at her made my chest sting. "We need a Uber" I said. "My phone isn't working" Zoe said. "The walk back isn't that long it's like 15 minutes" Will said. "Let's go it's getting cold" I said. Lola's breathing was consistent and her eyes stayed shut. She'd be out for the rest of the night. "I'll carry Lola let's go" I said. I adjusted her so now I was actually holding her. Will looked at me but said nothing. Her head rested on my chest and every 2 minutes I looked down to see her still peacefully sleeping. "What fucking degrees is it" Will asked. "35 last time I checked" Zoe said with a shiver. "Good lord" I said. The walk really wasn't that long we got back at around 2AM. I brought Lola upstairs and but her in her bed. "Thanks" Will said. "No problem" I replied then walked out their room. I went back downstairs with Zoe only to hear Lola screaming seconds later. Zoe and I bolted up the stairs and into the room. "Please please don't" Lola screamed. "Baby it's me it's Will calm down" Will said. "No no no please I can't help me" Lola said. "Lola it's okay" Will said trying to hug her. "Logan" Lola sobbed. "Lola it's okay" Will said again. "Logan I need Logan I just want Logan" Lola sobbed uncontrollably. Will looked at me and stood up. "Can you help her" he asked. I shook my head yes and walked over to her. she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Hey it's okay" I said hugging her. "Logan" she cried while hugging me back. "It's okay shhhh I'm here" I said wrapping my arms tightly around her. She sniffed but stayed quiet just hugging me.

I hadn't been this close to her in so long. Having her in my arms again felt so odd but so familiar. Her hair touched my face and her all too familiar strawberry perfume practically hit me in the face. I looked over to see Will just staring. Studying me. If he didn't know I loved Lola he definitely knows now. Before I knew it Lola's grip loosened and she was back asleep. "She's sleeping" I said. I tried to move but she grabbed onto me. "Just stay with her tonight" Will said. "Are you sure" I asked. "Yeah" Will said. "Okay" I said. Will and Zoe walked out the room. I positioned myself in a comfortable position and closed my eyes. Before I knew it I was asleep.

                            Wills POV
I went downstairs with Zoe. I didn't say anything instead took a huge sip of the vodka that was on the table. "Slow down boy" Zoe said in a southern accent. "She still loves him Zoe" I said. "No shit sheriff obvious" She said. I knew she was drunk but the sarcasm is out of hand. "What do I do" I asked. "Nothing she's in love with him but she's with you so clearly she wants to be with you" she said. "I don't get it" I said. "What's not to get" she asked. "Everything Zoe our whole lives I just don't fucking understand it" I said taking another sip. "Lola is the moon and Logan is every star in the night sky. She'll never love you the same because you are sun. Always at a distance" she said. "It's like they have this stupid ass bond that won't break" I said. "Like I said the sun and the moon don't touch. Logan gets the parts of her that you'll only ever get a glimpse of it's just different" she replied. "I want to be with her" I said. "Then be with her, just because Logan wants to be with her and she still has old feelings for him doesn't mean she wants to be with him again" Zoe said. "Why are you so fucking hard to understand you literally talk in cursive when your drunk" I said. "Ugh in stupid fuck terms Lola loves you both in different ways but clearly she is with you so whatever she feels for Logan she isn't going to act on therefore you are in the clear young grasshopper" She said rolling her eyes. I was taking in what she said when I looked out the window to see snow falling.

"It's snowing" I said. Zoe looked out the window. "This can't be a good sign" she said.

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