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It felt odd. So weird. Now incase everyone forgot Will and I used to have a thing. It was one that god awful night but we did happen. Granted it wasn't long. We never really got a chance considering the way everything went down. We never even really tried. But I love Logan. But we broke up. I'm so fucking sick of pushing this aside. Callies been saying Will likes me for months and maybe it is wrong but you know what. I like him too. So I kissed him back. He pulled away. "You kissed me back" he said. "Yeah" I said. "You fucking kissed me back so that means you feel it to" he said. "Yeah I feel it" I said. He smiled then kissed me again. I wanted this. He wanted this. No turning back now.

I pulled away and looked at him. He knew what I wanted. Just by that look I knew he wanted it too. We kissed again and he pushed me against the wall. He started kissing my neck. "Will" I moaned. I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled on his shirt and he asked "are you sure". "Positive" I said as I took his shirt off. Once we made it to his bed he was on top of me. "Ive wanted this for so long" he said as he put it in. "Will" I moaned loudly. "Oh my god Lola" he moaned.

A hour later I laid next to Will. "Wow" I said. "I know" Will laughed. "No that was actually amazing" I laughed. "I know" he laughed again. "How the hell do we go on with life after this" I asked. He moved the hair out my face and said "it's just me and you now Lolita". I smiled. thats what he said to me the first time we were alone together almost three years ago. "I guess so William" I smiled.

Just us.

3 years later

Logan's point of view

"Logan can you go lock up tonight" My boss Randy asked. "Sure just leave the keys on the table" I replied. I work at a car shop and honestly I enjoy it. The pay is good and it pays for my apartment. I was wiping my tools off when I heard something slam against the hack door. "Randy" I asked. I heard gargling noises but I couldn't make out what it was. I looked around but I couldn't see outside since it was so dark. Just as I was about to open the door Randy's bloody face was pushed into view. "What the fuck" I said then something else came into view. A pig mask. No. He stabbed Randy multiple times then let his body fall to the ground. I watched in horror. After Randy was dead he ran off. I opened the door and looked around but saw nothing. Randy wasn't breathing either. I called 911 and while I was waiting I saw a piece of paper sticking out Randy's pocket. I grabbed it then openended it.

"I told you I'd see you again. Maybe I'll see Lola next. Or maybe Zoe. How about Will ? You'll find out soon enough. Hopefully you four won't be so stupid this time around" - piggy

Holy shit. He said maybe he'd see Lola next. Fuck that. He can't get to Lola.After talking to the police they decided it was a robbery gone wrong and let me go. I went home and did something I haven't done in 3 years. I called her. Normally I'd just stare at her contact I haven't called yet this was next level shit. But I have to. Not only do I have to I want to. I miss her. I've missed her for the last three years. I wanted to talk to her since the last time I saw her I just never could. She didn't call either so that should say something. What the hell do I even say. But also how am I supposed to approach Will and Zoe. Jesus Christ I'm fucked. I haven't talk to any of them in so long. I don't even know how Lola Looks since she blocked me shortly after our break up. Will never had social media to begin with and Zoe only post her weird nurse and yellow stone shit. Okay I'll just call and tell her what's going on. It's not like she has no clue what I'm talking about. "Fuck my life" I said as the phone rang.

Lola's point of view

"Im telling you skin walkers are scary" I said. "I'm sorry but I've seen worse" Will said. "Oh like that" I asked. "Like the piglet goblin" he whispered. "What the fuck is that" I asked. "I don't know I made it up" he said. We both started laughing. "Your so stupid" I laughed. "Yeah" he said with a raised brow. "Yeah" I said. "Alright" he said then licked his lips. He leaned over and kissed me. He went down to my neck. "Mhm Will" I said. I laid back onto the sofa and he got on top of me. He took my shirt off then kissed me again. His hands went under my skirt. "Will" I moaned. He pulled down my skirt then took off his pants. "Oh my god" I cried. "Shh the neighbors" he said. He started going harder. "Mhm" I moaned quietly. "I love you" he moaned. "I love you too" I said.

If you haven't already realized it. Will and I are dating. We've been dating for 3 years and we live together. We're still in college. He's going to be a lawyer and I'm going to be a Vet. After Will and I kissed for the first time we kinda just started dating. I didn't think it would happen but it did. At first I felt bad but when 7 more months went by and I didn't hear from Zoe or Logan I really just stopped caring. So the core 4 becamejust us two and we're in a happy relationship.It's nice being with him and like I said before it's not like we even broke up in the first place. We just never really tried or got a real chance until college. Will and are watching Gossip girl when suddenly my phone rang. "Who is it" Will asked. "I don't know it's unknow" I said. Will and I looked at each other. Unknown numbers tend to put us on edge. "Give it here" Will said. He put it on speaker phone then said "hello" firmly. "Um hi is Lola there" a voice asked. Our eyes widened because we knew that voice. "Logan" Will asked. "Will" Logan asked. "Uh yeah" Will said. "Um is Lola with you" he asked. "Yeah she's next to me" Will said. "Hi Logan" I said feeling nervous. "Hey Lola" Logan said. It was silent for a moment then I asked "why are you calling". "It's happening again" Logan said. "What's happening" I asked. "The thing we feared" he said. I knew exactly what he's talking about" "no that's not possible" I said. "Well consider I watched my boss get killed and the fact that I got a letter I'd beg to differ" he said. "It can't be it has to be something else" I replied. "I wish it was something else" Logan said. "Well I didn't get a letter" I said. "You and Will need to come back" he said. "Look Logan I'm sorry about your boss but I've moved on from all that and I'm not getting sucked back into it and neither is Will I'm sorry but I need to go" I said then hung up. "Lola" Will said. "3 years and that's all he has to say" I said. "Are you okay" he asked. "Yeah I just need to go for a walk". "Do you want me to come" he asked. "No I think I'm going to stop by the radio station" I said. Y'all remember Callie. My Bestfriend since freshmen year of college. She works at our local radio station. I usually go see her whenever I'm bored or just need to talk. So that's where I'm going.

Shortly after we started dating Wil got a job at petco. He saved up enough for an apartment and asked me to live with him. I was basically living in his room anyways so when he asked I said yes. It's only 2 miles from Callies work.Callies boyfriend got her the job and she loves it. Callie and I made a pack to still have girl time without the boys and we kept our promises unlike Zoe who ghosted me after her first 7 months of college. We haven't spoken in 2 years but whatever. Probably best considering her ex is fucking me every night. I walked into the radio station and it was quiet. "Callie" I called out. Just then my phone beeped. "Help". It's a message from Callie. I started looking around again. "Callie" I called out again while looking in different rooms. I was walking to the stairs when I heard yelling. I looked up and in the glass booth upstairs I saw Callie banging on the glass and crying. The door to the room swung open and piggy was down behind Callie. "Callie run" I screamed and started running up the stairs. I got to the glass room but the door was locked. Piggy had a knife to Callies neck and she was crying. "Let her go" I screamed while banging on the door. I kept trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge. "Please please don't kill me" Callie cried. I quickly dialed 911 and kept screaming. "Let her the fuck go" I screamed. Piggy shook his head no and before I could blink he slit Callies throat. Her once white dress was now stained red. "Noooooo" I screamed. I could hear police sirens in the back then I heard "police" from downstairs. I looked down the stairs and when I looked back the side door was open and piggy was gone. I fell to the ground and cried. I told the police what happened and get this. They told me I was in shock from seeing my Bestfriend slit her throat and my brain came up with something to hide the fact she killed herself. There acting like I don't have fucking eyes. But just like my mother. It was a suicide. Or at least that's what the police say. 15 minutes later Will arrived to pick me up. I told him everything and he believed me. Will and I walked to his car and on the passenger seat was a note.

"I told you I'd see you soon" - piggy

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