The fair

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                            Lola's pov

"It's the annual fair we have to go" I said. "Do you really think now is the time"Will asked. "The pig takes all of our happiness we might as well enjoy one thing" I said. "I think it would be fun I wanna ride the zipper" Logan said. "Me too I love that boat ride" Zoe said. "Hell no I'm not going on that I almost flew off of it in the 9th grade" I said. "That's because your hands were wet from the bumper boats" she said. "Yeah I couldn't hold on because Logan's ass threw water on me right before we went on" I said. "Because you said you were going to have a heat flash" Logan replied. "So you threw bumper boat ride water on me to fix it" I snapped. "Yes yes I did" he said. "I wasn't friends with y'all at that point" Will said. "Where were you for the 9th grade fair" Logan asked. "With Terry in the haunted house" Will said. "I bet that was an interesting experience" I said. It was a clown jumped out the ceiling and Terry peed then he got lost in the room of mirrors and cried" Will said. "How nice" Zoe said. "It was so funny I miss Terry man" Will said. "We all do he was fucking hilarious" Logan said. "I miss highschool in general" Zoe said. "Me too even though I was hardly there" I laughed. The 4 of us reminisced on the kitchen for who knows how long until it was time for the fair to open.

"They have it" Logan said with a smile as we walked into the fair. "Dude you've been scared to go on it for years why are you so happy about it being here" Will asked. "If I can go face to face with a piglet I can do anything" Logan replied. Oh my. We walked around playing Random games for a while. "Shoot the water the right fucking way" Logan snapped. "What do you think I'm trying to do" Will snapped back. Zoe and I watched as they both tried to get the clown but failed. "What prize can I get" Logan asked the man working the game. "The best I can do is a baby duck sticker" he said. "I'll take it" Logan said as he slapped the sticker on his hand. "We have to ride the scrambler" I said. "Let's go" Will said. We walked hand and hand to the ride. I looked over to see Logan and Zoe holding hands. Once we were at the ride we waited in line. "Next up" the girl working the ride said. The four of us got on and waited for the ride to start. "Im so squished" Logan said. He actually really was in shocked we were able to fit. I was pushed between Logan and Will. Iconic I know. Suddenly I became hyper aware of how close Logan and I were and the side he was on felt hotter. I faced forward not wanting to look into his eyes.
Thankfully the ride started. Without warning we got flung to the side. "What the fuck" Will yelled. I laughed uncontrollably as we flew around. "Ahhhh" Zoe yelled. It started to snow a little but nothing crazy. It felt good.

"I want a funnel cake" Zoe said. "Me too" Will said. "How can you eat after that shit" Logan asked as we got off the ride. "Because we aren't stupid and can handle a ride" Zoe said. "Look the line is fucking short" Logan said while pointing to the zipper. "You two go get the cake I'm going ride the fucking zipper with Logan the lunatic" I said. "Okay let's meet up in 20 minutes" Zoe said. "Deal" I replied. "Have you ever been on it before" Logan asked. "Yes Logan I road it when I was 7" I said. He looked hurt. "Damn" was all he said as we got in line.

                            Zoe's pov

"We're all out" the man at the food truck said as he slammed the window in my face. "Wow so fucking rude" I snapped. "I'm sure they have something close to a funnel cake around here" Will sighed. "Hmm I could go for some dip and dits" I said. "You have the pallet of a two year old" He said. "Says the one who can't even look at throw up without passing out" I said. "Look at who's talking ms scared of the fucking dentist that's probably why your teeth are so stiff and stained" Will said. "I'm going to find a dizzy kid to puke on you" I said rolling my eyes. "And I'll drive you to the nearest dentist" he said. We glared at eachother. "What about fried Oreos" I asked. "Absolutely" he replied. We walked to the next vendor and got our food. "I can't believe you got back with Logan" he said. "Yeah he's something alright" I said. "When did it happen" he asked. "The night we went to the strip club" I said. "That makes sense actually" he said. "Yeah totally" I said because it actually made zero sense. "But what about your girlfriend" he asked. The question stung a bit considering i actually found out lacy was cheating on me yesterday.But that's something to get into later. "We just broke up at some point" I said. "Also you said it yourself that Logan and Lola had a strong connection so if you know that why would you get back with him" he asked. "The same reason your marrying Lola knowing she still has some thing with him it clearly isn't that damn special" I said taking a large bite out of my Oreo.

                            Lola's pov
"Next up" the girl working the ride said. "Let's do this" I said. Logan looks terrified. We got on the ride and soon got buckled in. The man shut the cage door and walked away. "Are you ready" he asked. "As ready as I'll ever be" I said. The ride started and we went up. As soon as we were at the top the ride stopped. "Of course" I sighed. We waited and waited but nothing happened. "Well what the fuck" Logan said. "Something but be going on with the ride. I said. I tried to see outside the cage but between that and the snow I couldn't see much. "It looks like we'll be up here for a while" Logan said. "So did you start wedding planning yet" Logan asked. "No I wasn't going to start until we got back home" I said. "I can't believe you two are engaged" he said. "Me either it still doesn't seem real" I said looking at my ring. I looked up at him. My heart started to ache. I knew I loved him still but what could I say or do. He's with Zoe again and I'm engaged . "I know" he said not looking away. That's when I decided to just say it. "Do you ever wonder what it would have been like if it was you and me". "No because Will wants to be with you I don't" he said. I guess that's my answer.

Logan's pov
Why the fuck did I say that. Of course I wonder what it would be like. I want it to be us. But I already know regardless of what I said she'll still marry him.

Ending nightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant