The kiss

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"What the fuck is going on" Will said after I told him about Logan and I breaking up. "Yeah" I said. We spent the next two weeks living life as normal. We went to our classes then after Will, Callie, and I would watch a movie. These last few days it's just been me and Will because Callie has a boyfriend now. "That movie was fucking weird" Will said. "Eh I've seen worse" I said. "Oh yeah we've seen it all" Will said. "You think it's weird that we don't talk about all of it" I asked. "I mean talking about it won't change the fact that everyone is dead" he said. "What about the message we got he said see you next time" I said. "It was probably some asshole pranking us since everyone fucking knows what went down" Will said. "I hope so"I sighed.

As time went on I was good on my own. If Logan wasn't in sight he was out of mind. Well just a little not completely. Actually if I'm being serious I don't think I'll love anyone the way I loved him. The next guy will probably just be someone I kinda love I don't really think true love is my thing. Not anymore at least. Weeks went by again. I'm doing good. Not always but most days I'm okay. I haven't heard from Logan or Zoe. Will and I have partied like it's nobody's business but we haven't gone clubbing yet. "We just haven't done it yet I don't have a reasoning behind it" Will said. "Let's go tonight" I said. "I thought we were watching the new Scooby doo movie and smoking. He asked. "Come on that can be a Sunday thing. I begged. "Fine but don't pull the same shit this time" he said obviously referring to me convincing him he looked good in skinny jeans and letting him wear it to party last weekend. "I won't play this time" I laughed. "Swear" he said. "I swear" I said while laughing. A hour later we were standing in front of "buzzy boys". The biggest club in our college town. The music blared and I could smell the weed. I starred into the lights of the big sign they had on the building. "You ready" Will asked while holding out his hand. "Always" I said as I grabbed his hand and we walked in.

The music blared and I could barely see because of all the smoke. "The shots are one dollar" Will said. "Let's get some" I said. Im not sure how many shots I've had. Straight vodka shots. Apparently I ordered a Diet Coke in the middle of taking them. After god knows how many shots and however many puffs I've taken out of my weed pen. I was basically teleporting around the club. Some random song was playing as he said "we should have done this weeks ago" he yelled. "I know I love it" I screamed. No hands by Waka Flocka came on. I started spacing in and out again. I was jumping up and down. Wills hands were on me as we danced. I stared at him. He's hot. I'd get with him on a drunk night. Maybe a sober one. I won't say that though. Ever.

It's been 6 months. 6 months since everyone broke up. My life is going by pretty good though. Zoe and I haven't really talked in 3 months and Logan and I haven't talked at all. "Earth to Lola" Callie said from the other side of the room. "What did you say" I asked. "I asked if you were going home for Christmas" she asked. "No I don't have exactly anyone to see" I said. I ended up telling Callie about everything a few months back. "You can come with me if you want" she said. "Nah I'll just stay here" I said. Christmas break starts in 2 days so everyone is packing. "Are you going to jennas party tonight" she asked. "Yeah" said. "Did you talk to Will about it"
She asked. "Yeah he's coming" I said. "Well duh he basically drools over you" she said. "He does not" I said. "Lola sweetheart Will has a crush on you" she said. "Whatever you say Callie" I said. Later that day Will was knocking on the door and it was time for the party. "You look hot" Jenna said as I walked in the door. We played suck and blow and beer pong. I was standing on the stairs when a boy dressed in black pants and. Black shirt walked up to me. He had dark hair and green eyes. "You look bored" he said. "Just a little" I said. "Maybe I could keep you company" he said. "Maybe" I said. "Gavin" he said. "Lola" I said. We were talking for a long time.We were talking bout something when he moved a little closer. He looked at me but said nothing "what" I asked. "Can I kiss you" he asked. "Yeah" I said. He moved closer then kissed me. We weren't even kissing for 5 seconds when I heard Will yell. "Lola". I pulled away to see Will standing a few steps down. "I'm going" he said. "Wait" I said but he didn't listen. He just kept walking. "Will" I kept saying. Once we were to his room he unlocked the door and walked inside. I followed him in and asked "what is wrong with you". "You're kissing some guy you don't even know and you're asking what's wrong with me" he said. "You know I don't need your permission to do anything right"I snapped."Whatever do whatever the fuck you want" he snapped. "Why do you even care" I yelled. He said nothing and I knew. "No" I said. "Tell me you don't Will" I begged. "I don't know what your talking about"he challenged."Will please tell me you don't" i said with wide eyes."So what if I do" he said. "You can't feel that for me it's not right" I said. "Why" he asked. "Because of Logan and you were with Zoe and it's only been 6 months" I said. "You honestly think they're both single" he asked. "Doesn't matter" I said. "Right I'm sorry" he said. "I should go" I said then walked to the door. "No you know what fuck this I'm not gonna apologize or feel bad for the way I feel" Will said while walking up to me. He grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine.

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