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Lola's point of view

After a 16 hour drive we were pulling up to the bed and breakfast. It's 5:23 pm. I sighed while getting out the car. "You go inside I'll get our stuff" Will said. I took a deep breath as I opened the door and walked inside. The place was very old times themed. It had wooden stuff everywhere and they have blue stuff everywhere. I was still looking around when I heard a voice speak. "Lola". I turned to see Logan. "Logan" I said. "Hey" he said. "Hi" I replied. We were far apart. This is how it felt the night we broke up. "You dyed your hair" Logan said. "Yeah" I said. I always told Logan I wanted to dye my hair blonde but I never did until after we broke up. It was mainly because of Callie. She told me "I'd look very Chloe from bratz". "I like it" he said. "Thanks" I said. Before we could say anything else Will walked in. "Hey man" Logan said. "Wassup" Will said. Just then Zoe walked in. "Oh hi" she said. "This is weird" I said. "Yeah" Zoe said. "Okay well y'all can get settled in I've got 4 rooms ready. "We don't need 4" I said. Logan eyes widened "We're staying together" he asked. "No I Um" I said while looking at Will. "Lola and I have been dating for 3 years" Will said. "What how when why fucking where" Logan stuttered. "It happened 6 months after everything" I said. "What the fuck" Logan said. "Hey guys" Zoe said. We all looked at her. "I'm bi"she said. "What" we all said together. "Yeah I've had a girlfriend for a while now" she said. "Congratulations" I said. "I'm happy for you" Will said. "What the fuck" Logan said again. "Lola lets go" Will said as he grabbed my hand. "Hold on we can't just glaze over the fact that you two are dating" Lola said. "Why not" Will asked. "Because it makes zero sense" Logan replied. "Well was I supposed to be single" I asked. "No but I didn't think you'd date William" he said. "What do you think im ugly or something" Will snapped, "oh my" Zoe said. "What type of question is that" Logan asked. "A valid one" Will said. "Hello he's Zoe's ex and Lola's my ex and we were all friends you don't think that's odd" Logan said. "We literally swapped partners senior year I think we've passed the odd faze of things" I said. "This is harrable" Logan sighed. "Harrable" I asked. "Yes" he said. "Horrible Logan not harrable" Zoe said. "Oh I know what the actual word is but this is more horrible than horrible could ever be so like I fucking said this is harrable" Logan said. "Probably best you didn't go to college" Zoe said. "Are you serious Zoe" Logan snapped. "I mean what kind of word is harrable" Zoe snapped back. "I'm in a simulation" Logan said. "This is not an episode of the Simpsons" Will said. "This is all fucked" Logan said. "I've always said that" I said. "Out of all the surprising shit I've heard you and Will dating wins" Logan said. "Okay now I'm getting sick of you" Will snapped. "I'm just saying" Logan started to say. "I mean why are you" I started to tell. "OKAY" Zoe screamed. We all went quiet and looked at her. "Clearly this is a bad subject for some of us so the solution is not not talk about it we have more important stuff to deal with" She said. The 4 of us glared at eachother before agreeing to focus on the big picture. Piggy.

Logan's pov

I watched as they walked up the stairs. William and Lola. Lola and William. It doesn't even sound right. I don't like this. My chest burns. I might puke. Did I think she was going to be single ? No. But did I think she was going to be with William fuck no. I'm sick. Once the door shut I let out a sigh. "What's wrong with you" Zoe asked. "What do you mean how are you not sobbing" I asked. "Why would I be sobbing" she asked. "Will and Lola are you joking" I said baffled. "If they are happy and good for eachother then that's what it is" she said. "So you don't care" I asked. "I mean it did shock me when I first found out but no I don't care now it's been 3 years and I'm dating someone" she replied. "What do you mean first found out" I asked. "Fo you nit know about a thing called instagram" she asked. "No im blocked" I snapped. "Well that's not my fault but I've known for 3 years" she said with a shrug. "Did you say anything" I asked. "No by the time I saw it we already hadn't spoken in almost a year" she said. "Well are you going to say anything" I asked. "No like I said if they are happy then that's fine and it's really none of my business" she said. "Well I think it's rancid" I said. "Of course you do Logan it's you" she said. "Well what's that supposed to fucking mean" I asked with a side eye. "Lola's your favorite character" she laughed. "What like this is a damn tv show" I said. "No this would be a book" she laughed. "It would be a pretty shitty book" I said. "I don't think so I think things are about to be a little too complicated" she said as she walked up the stairs.

Lola's pov

Will and I walked up the stairs and went into one of the open rooms. The room has a bed and a small dresser. Zoe's room is right next to ours and Logan's is on the other side. After we all got settled in we went back downstairs. Will and I looked around. "This place is nice" he said. "I know" I said as I looked at the leafed pool in the backyard. "I'll be taking you in that later" Will said referring to the pool. I smiled. "Come see" Zoe said. We all looked at the two letters over again and Zoe said "I never got a letter so I guess I'm safe" she said. Just then Zoe's phone beeped. "Oh finally my Uber eats is here" she said then stood up. She opened the door then began screaming. "Holy fucking ass grass"  Zoe screamed. "What the fuck is wrong with you" Logan asked as we ran to her. I looked outside and saw exactly what she was screaming at.

Her Uber eats was in fact here. The guy was still holding her Bacon And cheese fries while laying dead on the front steps. His throat was slit. "Look" Will said. I looked over and saw a note taped to her fries. Lohan grabbed its and read it out load. "Say cheese Zoe" it said. "Son of a bitch" Zoe yelled. We told the cops what happened and they put curfew on the whole town. No ones allowed out after 7. Logan went into his room a while ago and Will is watching gossip girl. I'm currently in Zoe's room waiting for her to get out the shower. After talking to the police she asked if I could keep watch while she showered. She walked out the bathroom and smiled. "Thanks for holding the room down" she said then sat next to me. "No problem" I said. "I'm sorry" she said. "For what" I asked. "For not staying in touch I don't really have a excuse" she said. "It's okay Zoe life happens" I said. "So when did it happen" she asked. "You and Will I mean" she said. "Um well my friend Callie kept saying he liked me but I didn't see it. Then after everyone broke up him and I spent all of our time together and one day it just happened and it's been like that ever since" I said. "I'm happy for you" she said. "I'm happy for you too" I said. "Thank you" she replied. "Do you love her" I asked. She blushed then shook her head yes. "This is her" she said while showing me her lock screen" "she's pretty" I said. "Yeah" Zoe said with a smile. "What's her name" I asked. "Lacy" she said. "You know one of the main reasons I fell for her was because she reminded me of you" she said. "I miss you I never got over not having a Bestfriend anymore" she said. "You could have called" I said. "Please after seeing you and Callie on social media I knew where I stood" she said. Hearing Callies name made my whole soul hurt. "What's wrong" Zoe asked. "He um I mean the pig he killed Callie right in front of me" I said. "Oh my god I'm sorry" Zoe said. "Yeah" I said. "Look whatever the fuck is going on we'll get through it" she said. "You think so" I asked. "Yeah together" she said then put her hand on mine. After Zoe and I talked I went back to the room where I found Will asleep. I laid next to him and sighed. I really fucking hate Ohio I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

I opened my eyes to a noise. I don't know what it was. I stood up and walked out the room. Logan was in the hallway. "Logan" I asked. "Hey" he said he kissed me. I pulled away. "What are you doing I'm with Will" I said. "How" he asked. "What do you mean how" I asked. "He's dead" Logan said. "What" I asked. Then I heard a chainsaw. No. I started to run. Right as I ran to the front door Piggy ran through it. I tried running but he grabbed me. "Look" he screamed as he forced my head to look over and see Wills dead body. "No" I screamed as I jolted awake. "Oh my god" I cried. "Shh baby it's okay" Will said from next to me as he turned on the lamp. "Will" I said. "You had a nightmare" he asked. "Yeah" I said. I haven't had a nightmare in years. Until now. He rubbed my back. "It's okay you're okay" he said. "He killed you" I said. "I'm right here with you" he said. I hugged him as I drifted back to sleep.

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