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Hours went by. Logan and Zoe paced around. Will just stopped having a panic attack over the situation and because he saw Logan throw up. I sat on the sofa in silence. "What the hell do we do" Will asked. Then I said something I haven't said in years. "I need to smoke". We all looked at eachother. "I never have but at this point me too" Zoe said. I actually stopped smoking in college but considering the way our lives are going it's much needed. Without another word Logan stood up straight and wiped his mouth. He walked over to the top cabinet and pulled out a bag of weed. "Really Logan" I said. "I'm stressed a lot so I'm always prepared " he said. He threw the bag to Will then proceeded to rinse his mouth out. "You know I stuck at rolling" Will said. Logan rolled his eyes then sat next to me. "I'll do it" he said. I watched as he did it. I hate that when I look at him my mind wonders. I focused on his arms. I love them. Suddenly I was reminded of a damn sex flashback. My mouth became dry. Stop Lola. I was snapped out of it by Logan handing it to me. "Why do you look like that" he asked. "Look like what" I asked. "You look like you saw a ghost" he said. "Just give me the shit" I snapped as I snatched it from him. "I was trying to" he said. I hit it then Will did. "You next virgin smoker" Will said to Zoe. "How do I do it right she asked. "Just take a deep breathe and suck in" Will said. Zoe took a big hit and started caughing. "Okay less sucking" Will said. "Don't say it like that you freak" she coughed. "I'll give you time to breathe" Logan said as he took it from her. He took another big hit. Then tried to give it to Will. "I'm done" Will said. His eyes were red as all hell. I took a hit then it was back to Zoe. She inhaled then blew out not coughing this time. "See just like that" I said while clapping. The 3 of us continued then Zoe was out. "Let's finish it" Logan said. We passed it back and forth. I could barely feel my body. The blunt was small at this point and I knew if I tried to hold it I'd drop it. "Do you want me to shot gun you" Logan asked. I shook my head yes. He turned it around then blew smoke into my mouth. I inhaled. We stared into each other's souls. I blew the smoke back into his face. He moved a piece of hair off my face. Time stopped. For us at least. Thankfully I was snapped out of my haze when Zoe spoke.

"You guys I just saw a garden gnome run past me". The 3 of us hysterically laughed. I'm not sure how much time went by we just kept laughing. "I love you guys" Logan said. "We love you man" Will said. "So cute now kiss" Zoe said. "Eww" Will said. "Do yall realize we've all kissed" I said. "Actually you and Zoe never kissed" Will said. "I sure as fuck never kissed Will" Logan said. "Oh we should play one of those sex question games" Zoe said. Zoe pulled out her phone and searched questions up. "Okay if you could have sex in any location where would it be" Zoe asked. "In the back of a moving truck" Will said. "Okay that's not that weird" She said. "While it's moving" he said. "Okay anyways" Zoe laughed. "What makes sex the best" she asked. "Tension" Logan said looking at me. "What's something non sexual that turns you on" she asked. "Arms" I said. Logan looked back to me. He's the only one who knows about that. "Do you remember the best orgasm you've ever had" she asked. "Yes" Logan and I both said. Zoe became laughing then asked "where would you like me to lick you". "Alright time to put the phone down" I said.

"It's so hot in here" Logan said. Without warning he took his shirt off. That's when I saw the snake tattoo he had on his side. "When did you get that" I asked. "Like a year ago" he said. "I like it" I said. "Thanks" he said. Logan put his arm around Zoe then I realized something. "Wait I thought you had a girlfriend" I asked. "We broke up" she said. "When" I asked. "A few days ago" she said. "Oh okay" I said. "We were so in love she had to break it off with Tracy" he said. "Lacy" I said. "Yeah her" he said. "Man my stomach" Will said as he jumped off and ran to the bathroom. "Oh my I'll be back" I said then followed him.

                              Zoe's pov

Actually lacy and I did break up. She's cheated on me before and I forgave her but this time I'm over it. As soon as I was gone she jumped back into bed with her ex and the only reason I knew was because I logged into her instagram and saw the messages. I called her and broke up with her immediately after. She tried to fix it but I'm over fixing something that's being broken on purpose. I told Logan a few days ago and he said we should egg her car. The inside of it.I was focusing on trying to feel my face again when Logan spoke. "How are you doing". "I'm okay" I said. "Really" he asked. "Really I'm doing okay" I said. "Good you deserve better" he said. "Really because didn't you cheat on me too" I said. He looked shocked. "Logan I'm kidding that was a lifetime ago" I laughed. "It feels like it" he said. "It will get better" I said. "I don't think so" he said. "You will move on trust me especially after the wedding" I said. Truth be told as much as Logan pisses me off I know he soul crushingly loves Lola and watching her with Will is killing him. "Yeah the wedding" he said looking devastated. I put my hand on his and gave him a small smile. We looked at eachother. Before I knew it we both leaned in.

We kissed. It felt so weird. It didn't last long. Logan looked at me in horror and my face matched his. "Oh hell no" he said as he wiped his mouth. "I feel like I just kissed my brother" I said as I spit into my cup. "Why the fuck did we do that" he asked as he rinsed his mouth. "It was a comfort thing that backfired" I gagged. "God I feel so inbred" he gagged at the sink. "How the hell did I kiss you in highschool" I asked. "I'm asking myself the same question" he said. A few minutes later Will and Lola came back.

Lola's POV

"Are you okay" Zoe asked. "He is now I don't know why he ate fried Oreos he knows everything hurts his stomach" I said. "They "were so good" Will said. "Round two" Logan asked holding the bag up. "Yes" we all said. Once again we were in a circle smoking. The next few hours were spent laughing our asses off. After a few more hits Will was fast asleep along with Zoe. "Well that was fast" I laughed. "I'm still wide awake" Logan said. "Me too" I replied. "We could go in the pool it's heated" Logan said. "That's a great idea I'm so cold" I said. "Let's go" he said. We stood up and Logan opened the back door. The snow was cold. I shivered. We walked the pool. Logan took his shirt off again "fuck it's cold" he said. "I know see if it's hot" I said. He felt the pool and shook his head yes. Without another word he took off his pants so he was just in his underwear. He got in. "Come on" he said. "I'm cold" I said. "That's the point of a heated pool" he snorted. I rolled my eyes but took off my sweatpants and t shirt. I was in a black sports bra and black underwear. Logan looked away quickly. I got in with him. "Are you still cold" he asked. "Not as bad" I said. "Good" he said. "What are we going to do about piggy" I asked. "I don't know" he sighed. "Well we have to do something soon it's clear he's just becoming more violent" I said. "I wish the cops could just catch him" he said. "Me too but that's not going to happen" I said. "We need him to approach us again" he said. "I know but what if we don't get away" I said. "If he wanted one of us dead now we'd be dead Lola he's not the one to play with" he said. "Then why aren't we dead yet" I asked. "That's the part that I don't get" he said. "What do you mean" I asked. "I mean really if he wanted us dead we would've already been dead so why is he just playing with us" he said. "I don't get it either" I said. "The snow should make him stop at least for a minute" he said. "I hope so" I said. We both stared at eachother. "About what I said on the ride" he started to say. "We don't need to talk about it" I said. "I just meant that I said it the wrong way" he said. "How" I asked. "It should have been us" he said. "I don't understand at the fair you shut that down" I said. I shouldn't even be talking to him about it. "I still want you" he said. "I shouldn't have said anything Logan let's just drop it" I said. "Is that what you want" he asked. I hadn't realized we got closer as we talked. "We can't" I said. "How do you feel" he asked. Like I want you too. After all this time. "It doesn't matter not anymore" I said. "Lola" he said as he touched my arm. "I can't do this to Zoe not again" I said. "It's not real I did it to make you jealous. We were never together" he said. "I knew it I knew something was off" I said. "I know you love Will but I want you to know that I love you" he said. "How" I asked. "You're the person I want forever that won't change" he said. "Why didn't you call me" I asked. "I didn't think I could make you happy" he said. "No you always made me happy I've only ever wanted us to work" I said. "I'm sorry about everything" he said. "Me too" I said. First the first time in three years. We both understood. There's no escaping us. Were for eachother. We can't run from it. Neither one of us should have left it alone. We left eachother physically three years ago but we never left mentally. We never could. "Logan" I said. "I love you" he said. I felt like my whole world was shaking. I love Logan but I love Will too. I'm cooked.

Logan and I went inside. I went lay down.I can't sleep I've been looking at ceiling for a hour. Wills next to me snoring. Just as I closed my eyes Logan spoke in a whisper. "Lola" was all he said. I didn't answer. "Lola" he said again. I didn't answer. "I know you're asleep but I need to say it again I meant everything I said in the pool. I really do love you" he said. I looked next to see to see Will still sleeping. I'm just thankful he slept through that.

                                   Wills pov

I heard everything.

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