Oh shit

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Lola's pov

Before I could respond the ride made a noise. "I think it's about to start" I said. We've been up here for 45 minutes. Just then the ride started. At first it was normal and fun. We flipped around and went fast. Then I heard screaming but it wasn't fun ride screaming. This was scary screaming. As we neared the ground I looked out the cage and just in time I saw the girl who was working the ride sitting in her chair with her throat slit and the pig standing next to her. "Logan" I screamed. The ride started going faster and faster. Logan looked and saw exactly what I saw. The ride flipped and spun uncomfortably. "I'm going to be sick" he screamed. I screamed as we flipped around. I'd hate to die from a fair ride.

Zoe's pov
While waiting for Logan and Lola we decided to kill some time and go into the haunted house. We walked through the entrance and saw a bunch of clowns. "You know I'd much rather be stalked by a clown" I said. "Me too it's less scary" I said. Just then pennywise jumped out as us. Will screamed. "Fucking pennywise". I laughed as we continued to walk. We heard people screaming. "What the hell is going on out there" Will asked. We went through a graveyard part that had smoke and ghost music playing. "I don't know but maybe it wasn't a good idea to come in here" I said. "It should be over soon" he said. We walked through a door and were in a maze now filled with of mirrors. "Finally something funny" Will said as he looked into one of the mirrors and became short. "Do another one I want to see how you look fat" I said. Just as we looked into another mirror the lights flickered and the circus music stopped. Something new started playing on the speakers. "There's nothing you can do it's already happening" started playing over and over again. "Will we need to go" I said. "I'm with you let's go" he said. We started to walk but hit a dead end. "This way" I said. The sound got louder. "There's nothing you can do it's already happening". We walked faster. The lights flickered again but we were able to see the glimpse of the pig run by. "Will" I shouted. "Come on" he said. But it was another dead in. "It's already happing it's already happening" played louder and louder just faster. We saw him again this time behind us. "Fuck you" Will screamed. The lights flicked again. From somewhere around us a mirror broke. "Zoe" I heard a voice say. "William I'm here" it said again. "Leave us alone" I screamed. "But I love playing with my food" the pig said from behind us. He face appeared in all the mirrors and he ran at us. Will and I took off as fast as we could. "There's nothing you can do it's already happened played" as we heard running and laughing from behind us. But by some magical we found the exit and ran out.

"Son of a bitch" Will yelled. The fair was empty now. All we saw in the distance was the zipper going insane and flipping everywhere. I could hear Lola screaming. "Let's go" Will said as we ran to the zipper

Lola's pov
"I'm going to throw up" Logan yelled. I couldn't speak. My head was spinning. I just wanted it to stop. "Help us" Logan screamed. The tide kept spinning and flipping us around. Just when I thought I was going to pass out the ridge came to a hard stop. The cage flung around for a few seconds then finally stopped for good. The door flew open and I saw Zoe and Will. "We have to go" Zoe said as she helped me out. We all began running as fast as we could. It was snowing a lot at this point so running wasn't exactly easy. The snow around us was stained red.As we ran past the haunted house all I could hear playing was "there's nothing you can do it's already happening". The closer we got to the exit the snow became red. Then we saw it. Bodies. Everywhere. The once white snow was now covered in blood and I looked around in horror at least 15 dead bodies. "I'm going to be sick" Zod said. The walk that was once 10 minutes to where we were staying now seemed like hours.

After what felt like forever we ran back inside. "I'm going to fucking puke" Logan said. "Don't you dare" Will snapped. But before anyone could say anything else Logan was throwing up in the sink. I looked over to see the news on the TV. "Time to stay inside folks a blizzard is hitting our little town and it looks like we'll be inside for a few days" the lady said.

I guess snow really does land on top.

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