Father like daughter

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"Join you" I asked. "Yes you can kill with me I promise it's what you were born to do" he said. "I wasn't born to kill others" I said. "I know that's what you think but it's the truth" he said. "No" I said as as punched him. He stumbled back and I hit him with a baseball bat that I saw on the ground that I'm assuming he was going to use on us. We all ran out the house and started going towards the truck. "You leave me no choice" Dennis screamed as he grabbed Zoe and but a knife to her throat. "Stop" I yelled. "I'm sick and tired of you fucking 4 doing shit" he yelled. "Zoe never did anything please don't hurt her" I said. "Fine pick one" he said. "What" I asked. "Will or Logan and whoever doesn't get picked I kill" he smiled. "What no I'm not doing that" I said. "Fine then I'll kill Zoe instead" he said. I didn't see anything past this moment. No other options. "If you let them go I'll go with you I'll kill whoever you want just leave them alone. Let them live their lives. If you do that I'll go with you." I said. "Lola no" Logan said. Dennis smiled. "See if you would've said yes 10 minutes ago this wouldn't have been an issue so pick" he said now pressing the knife against Zoe. "Please Dennis" I begged. "Fine how about this whoever you don't pick joins me" he smiled. Will and Logan looked at eachother. "No one wants to fucking join you" I screamed. "Fine then" he said as he started to carve a D into Zoe's arm. Zoe screamed in pain. "It's Logan it's always been Logan".

Dennis smiled. "Ahh I like shattering a skull but I love shattering a beating heart" he said while smiling at Will.Before we could say anything Dennis pulled out a gun and pointed it at  Logan. "No" I screamed. Dennis started laughing. "Fuck you she was my fucking girl" Will yelled as he punched Dennis in the face. Right as Will punched him he fired the gun.They began to fight. Thankfully Logan got shot in the arm. "I'm going to fucking kill him" Logan yelled in pain. Zoe fell over and was holding her wound. I looked over to see Dennis and Will fighting. I'm done. I grabbed the knife that Dennis dropped and went over to them. I sliced Dennis in his back and he screamed. "Fuck you dumbass" I said as I tried to slice him again. Finally he punched Will hard to knock him out. "You little bitch" he said. He pushed me and once I fell he hit on top of me. He started to strangle me.

I've always thought about dying. I didn't know if it would be fast or slow. Honestly I figured I would die at the hands of a pig. Maybe this is how it's supposed to end. Logan and Will won't fight over me anymore. Sure they'll be sad but eventually things will be okay again. This is what's supposed to happen. The universe already planned it out. My eyes are slowly closing. Everything is fuzzy. "Not much longer now" Dennis cried. My head pounded. I could feel the blood running out of my nose from where he hit me.I knew in some twisted way Dennis did love me. He thought killing me was the best way out but I knew he did love me and I know he loved my mom in his own fucked up way. I wish I got to know Terry. It's not fair. But it'll all be over soon.

Maybe death would finally be peaceful.

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