"What happened?" Yoongi asked walking down the stairs after hearing his baby's screams.

"Nothing. I just accidentally scared her when I was trying to get her to not color on the wall." He huffs running his fingers through his hair. The older made his way to the crying girl quickly picking her up.

"Love?" He whispered kissing her little cheek repeatedly. She buried her face in his neck holding tightly onto his shirt. "What happened, love? What are you crying for?" He asked swaying a little. The baby cried out a bunch of gibberish that he couldn't really understand but he did catch a couple of words such as mama and scared.

"You were about to do something naughty so mama had to tell you to stop. I'm sure mama didn't mean to scare you, love." He rubbed her back slowly and gesturing for Jimin to stand and come closer to them.

The nineteen-year-old quickly did so. "I didn't mean to scare you but you can't do that." He whispered to his daughter as she slowly calms down in her father's arms.

"You okay?" He asked taking her hand in his. Jimin knew she was perfectly fine since he didn't pull her with very much strength just enough to stop her. Suji nodded her head no longer tugging away from the younger.

"Can I get a kiss?" He asked the little girl sluggishly lifted her head and planted a slobbery kiss in the male's cheek. He smiled cupping her face, wiping her tears with his thumbs. "No more crying."

"Want to go take a nap with me, Suji?" Yoongi asked once she cuddled back into his neck. She nods her head without a single word. "What about your essay?"

"I'll do it once she falls asleep. She's already tired so," he trailed off shrugging before turning to make his way upstairs Suji clinging to him like a koala.

Jimin was always slightly jealous of how strong the bond between the two was. Suji was a major daddy's girl. Yoongi was her favorite person ever to exist on planet earth. He was her protector so whenever she was uncontrollable crying like she had been just moments ago, Yoongi was the only one who could calm her in a matter of seconds. So yes Jimin was slightly jealous but he wouldn't change it because it was truly heartwarming to see.

Life hasn't been the easiest. Suji wasn't the calmest child. She was hyper constantly jumping around and running. They had to watch her at all times because there had been an accident or two were they looked away for only a few minutes and the baby managed to either break something or hurt herself. It was hard to balance parenthood and their studies. There were many times when the two of them would just burst into tears due to stress but the older's family were always there to help them out.

Yoongi's family was the best. They helped them in every possible way. Jimin couldn't be more thankful to them. Yoongi's mother watched the baby when they were at school and work. Jin and Namjoon would come over all the time and bring their son Daniel over so Suji and he could play. They would also be the one to watch over the little girl when Yoongi's mother couldn't. Yoongi's father also spoiled the little girl more than his son wished he would. Suji loved them just as much as they loved her.

Jimin loved them. Even after everything that happened, they loved Jimin, and as far as they are concerned Jimin was family.

As for Yoongi's and Jimin's relationship well...

Jimin closed his eyes submerging himself in the feeling of Yoongi's lips covered his neck in sloppy kisses. His hands running up and down the boy's back occasionally going up to his hair and tugging gently.

"Babe." He whimpered. Yoongi smirked against the younger's skin. He sucked gently on the spot not enough to cause a bruise but enough for it to be red for a while. "Mhmm baby I want you," Jimin whispered pulling Yoongi away from his neck so that he could place a kiss on his lips. The kiss was heated and full of desperation.

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