6. Piano

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You're just meeting his parents you'll be ok. Jimin chanted as he approached the front door. He took a deep breath before knocking. He heard footsteps getting closer. They're going to hate me. He wanted to turn and run, but before he could the door already swung open.

"You're early." Yoongi said opening the door. He was wearing all black making is milky skin look even paler. He skinny jeans hugging his legs nicely. His biceps displayed almost making the blonde drool.

"Sorry." He gave him a sheepish smile before walking inside.

"My parents are still getting ready." He said beginning to walk up the stairs. Jimin followed behind like a lost puppy.

He's only been there twice. The first being the end of the year party Taehyung and Jungkook dragged him to, and the second was when he took the pregnancy test. Both times he hadn't taken in the his surroundings.

The house was beautiful. The hallway was painted a nice cream color. Picture frames perfectly lining up against the wall. The furniture black and the floor wood. Jimin liked it.

The living room also a cream color with a glass coffee table in the middle of two white couches that formed an L shape. A nice recliner also sat close to the couches. Paintings hung above the couch and a huge tv on the opposite wall.

From the small amount Jimin had seen of the house Yoongi's room was by far his favorite. The room was painted grey except for one wall that was painted black. On the black wall were lit up letters that spelled out music. He had a desk. One side of the desk was an apple desktop, speakers and other equipment like a mic. On the other side, more like in a corner of the desk, we're school books that looked like they had never been opened. A keyboard next to the desk.

He had a queen sized bed in the middle of the room. A couple of posters of musicians and basketball players mixed in with a couple of family photos on the grey walls. He had a couple of basketball trophies on his bedside tables. Jimin loved the way it looked. It gave him a glimpse of the 17 year olds personality.

Yoongi goes over to his desk sitting on the chair watching as Jimin slowly approached the keyboard. The boy hesitated before pressing down on some of the keys.

"Do you know how to play?"

"No." He moved his hand pressing a random black key. "I've always wanted to learn but I've never had enough money to get lessons." He stepped away taking a seat on the bed. "Play something."

"What do you want me to play?" Yoongi asked taking a seat on the stool. Jimin shrugged "I don't know. Something," he paused tilting his head as he thought "beautiful."

Yoongi stared down at the keyboard for a couple of seconds before his fingers began to press down on the keys. The beautiful melody filling the room. Jimin watched in fascination the way Yoongi's hands would move across the keys. Jimin had always found it satisfying to watch pianist's hands. He could sit there all day and watch.

"Is this a freestyle?" He asked once he wasn't able to recognize the song. Yoongi simply nodded before quickly bringing the song to an end, much to Jimin's dismay.

The boy started to clap rapidly. "That was so good." He praised.

The older felt giddy from the compliment. He always did when anyone said anything good about his music.

"I could teach you."

That brought a smile into the sixteen year olds face. "Would you really? Don't play with me Yoongi. I'll get way to excited over it." He was practically glowing. It's always been a dream to learn how to play.

"Of course." Usually, Yoongi wouldn't do this type of thing. He didn't have the patience nor the desire to teach someone but Jimin was special. Unlike many who had asked him before he genuinely seemed to have an interest in it. It wasn't just a side comment to him like everyone had made when they found out he played the instrument.

Music is a passion of his not many know of. Music was extremely important to him. If he could connect with someone over it he was all for it. He could actually put in the effort to teach the younger boy.

"Oh my god. Thank you." Jimin hugged him. The excitement of finally learning after years of wanting to overwhelming him.

"Yoongi! We're ready!" That's when the nerves hit Jimin again.

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