9. Get out

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Jimin was fourteen weeks. Meaning he had a bump. It wasn't huge, not yet, but it was there. It was especially noticeable if he tried to wear a fitted shirt so he started to avoid them.

He hadn't told his parents yet. He was to scared to. To his parents he was an innocent kid who never even thought about sex. They had never even fathomed the idea of their son being sexually active.

His parents were conservative people. They believed in waiting till marriage. It was a big deal to them. Ever since he hit puberty all he ever heard was 'save yourself for you wife or husband' and 'your spouse won't want something that been used before'.

It only irritated the teen. It had made him just want to do it more. He ended up losing his virginity at the young age of fifteen to his boyfriend at the time. It had been the most awkward experiences of his life. It surprised him that it hadn't traumatized him to the point were he never wanted to have sex ever again.

Jimin didn't go sleeping around. Nothing like that. He's only ever had sex with two people. His douche of an ex and Yoongi. Yoongi was sort of like a rebound. The only reasons Tae and Jungkook dragged him to the party was to help him get over the break up. In Jimin's head it was like proving a point that he didn't need his ex. He need to know he was at least some what desirable. Of course that all back fired leaving him in this situation.

Now he was stuck trying to hide his pregnancy. He thought his parents were clueless of the secrets he hid under his shirt, beneath his skin.

But they weren't. Mrs.Park knew her son. She knew when he was acting strange. He was moody, ate way more than usual, dressing differently, and she was positive she's heard him throwing up.

"Take this." She threw a box at him. Her husband standing close behind her with a blank face.

Jimin instantly paled staring at the pregnancy test. "What?" His voice almost inaudible. "Why?"

His mother crossed her arms, eyebrows raised. "We have reasons to believe."

Jimin felt nauseous. This couldn't be happening. "Do you not trust me?" He was stalling. He wasn't ready for this.

"Take the test and prove to us we have no reason to." His father spoke for the first time. His voice harsh.

The teenagers eyes glossed over. He shook his head vigorously. "No!"

Mrs.Park aggressively grabbed his arm making him stand. "I'm done with this shit. Just take the fucking test." Her face merely inches away from her son's as she spoke through gritted teeth.

Jimin once again shook his head. "No! I can't!" He sobbed.

"Why, Jimin? Why can't you just prove us wrong?" His father sighed out. He was desperate to know he was wrong. That his son was still the innocent boy he thought he was.

"Because," this was it. His last chance to tell his parents the truth. "Because you're not wrong."

Everything went silent. The only sound heard was their heavy breathing.

"I knew it." Jimin's father angry shouted. The anger bubbling up inside him. "Are you fucking stupid? You have destroyed your life!" The tall man punched the nearest wall.

Jimin jumped back. His mother staring at him with and unreadable expression. She grabbed a chair slowly sitting down.

"I'm not keeping it. I'm not gonna ruin my life."

His father shook his head. "We told you so many times Jimin! You should have waited!" It was like he hadn't even heard his son.

"How far along are you?" His mother asked.

Jimin looked down at his hands. They were shanking profusely. "Three and a half months."

His mother closed her eyes.

"It was that stupid boyfriend of yours wasn't it?" His father suddenly began to walk towards the door. "I knew I shouldn't have ever let you near him. He was a terrible influence on you."

"Where are you going?" Jimin rushed to follow him.

"To Chanyeol's. He did this to you so-"

"It wasn't him!" His father froze.


Jimin was breathing heavy, all this was to much for him. "It wasn't Chanyeol." He whispered.

"Get out."

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