3. I decided

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Sorry for any mistakes. I haven't edited it.

Weeks passed, and I still hadn't made a decision. I wanted to think everything thoroughly. All the good and the bad that could come from this.

"You're making me nervous stop." Yoongi placed his hand on my knee that I had been bouncing up and down.

"Sorry." I mumbled looking around the room.

We were at the doctors. Yoongi thought it was best that we saw the baby and made sure they were okay before we made any sort of decision.

He thinks that it might help. I thought it would just make the decision harder. Nevertheless, I agreed so he made an appointment for me.

To prevent any of our families or anyone we knew in general, from finding out Yoongi had made chosen a doctor that was in the town over.

"Jimin" a nurse called out. I gave her a timid smile as I stood to follow.

"Hi, how are you?" She smiled brightly at me. She did the routine check up before leaving us alone in a room to wait for the doctor. Awkward silence filled the room.

Yoongi simply looked around at all the posters of pregnant people. "Are you going to tell your parents soon?" I asked once I couldn't handle the silence any longer.

"I was hoping we could come up with a decision first."

"Are you nervous?"

He bit his lip before shaking his head. "No. They're used to me messing things up." I instantly regretted asking. God why couldn't I keep my mouth shut. He cleared his throat "what about you?"

"I think they'll kick me out." I said truthfully. "My parents are huge about saving yourself till marriage." I rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans.

"They're your parents I'm sure they won't."

"Highly doubt it."

Before he had the chance to reply there was a soft knock on the door before it opened revealing a young doctor. "Hello, I'm dr. Lu Han," he said shaking my hand before shaking Yoongi's.

He looked down at a chart before glancing up at us. "So you're here for an ultrasound. Do you know how far along you are?" I nodded my head not looking up instead nervously fidgeting with my hands. "About six weeks." He hummed in response.

"Ok please lift your shirt and lower your pants a bit." I followed his instructions with shaky hands. "It's a little cold but shouldn't be too bad." He said as he squirted the transparent blue gel.

Yoongi stood stiffly next to me as the dr. Luhan moved the sonogram wand around my flat stomach. He turned the screen so it was facing us. "That's right there," he points a small blob on the screen "that's your baby."

Yoongi leaned over to get a closer look at the screen. "Wow." He whispered. He turned to me "it looks like a little bean."

The dr.Lu then asked if we would like to hear the heartbeat. I hesitated because I knew the second I heard it would all become so real. I nodded either way.

He flipped a switch, and that's when the room was filled with a whooshing noise. My eyes filled with tears at the noise. Thoughts rapidly filled my mind. I look over at Yoongi who had a similar expression as mine.


I started down at the sonogram photo, running my finger over the spot my baby was at.

"So I have you made a decision on what we will do?"

I looked over at the older. "Yeah," I whispered once again looking at the photo. Adoration filling my heart at the little bean. My little bean.

"And?" Yoongi bit his lip staring at the picture himself.

"I thought seeing the baby would make the decision harder, but it just made me realize how much I want him or her to have a good home." My voice cracked. "That's why I decided," I paused placing a hand on my stomach before looking up at the boy I barely knew.

"I decided we should give them up for adoption."

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